On enemies' ground


The moment it crossed the threshold of the door, I felt it. The evil spread across the floor like cold air swirling around my ankles. I shuddered from the feeling. Jared frowned at me as he handed me a red plastic cup. The music was pounding and Genni swayed slightly from side to side as she surveyed the dancefloor, probably the living room, the couches were pushed against the wall to get enough space to dance. Even though the room was large, it was packed. A couple was making out on a red couch, mindless of the witnesses. I scanned the crowd but couldn't pinpoint the evil one. It was the same odd sensation I got at the cafeteria. There was something here. Did it follow me or was it a complete coincidence we just happened to be in the same place?

"What's wrong?" shouted Jared over the music. He repeated the question and touched my shoulder to get my attention. I shrugged his hand away. I actually heard him the first time but I was focused on the peculiar lump in my throat. I turned back to him and took my drink. The imprint with Jacob forced me to stay away from other males. A simple touch from another man other than my man was—wrong.

"I thought I saw someone I knew," I gave him a tight smile and brought the plastic cup to my lips. He nodded while staring. I didn't have to read his mind to know what he was thinking. I was not going to let the thoughts of everyone at this party come to assault me. From the early months of my life, I've learned to read thoughts. At first, it was overwhelming and sometimes scary. Since I shared the same gift as Dad he had taught me how to channel it and shut the world out. I also shared my mom's gift as others couldn't read me. Jacob said I was blessed with gifts of my own, I could control the elements. I have an affinity with water and air. I haven't mastered fire and earth—yet. Yes, I was human. Yes, I was an immortal. And yes I wasn't invincible. I could fall and break a leg. I bleed when cut. I have the speed of a vampire without their thirst. I can walk in daylight without the inconvenience.

A wave of laughter came from the packed dancefloor pulling me from my thoughts. Genni was trying to force Jared to accompany her where the body was swaying. Jared gave me a desperate look over his shoulder. I just nodded at them. I had no interest in those things. I did not fit here. I might never fit. I watched them wiggle their way to join the others. I sipped my orange juice from my cup. Then it hit me like a wall of brick. I gasped in recognition. Jacob. I could sense him. I turned around searching the faces. I caught a glimpse of a silhouette, a quick rush of tan skin, and dark hair. My heart skipped a beat.

"Jacob," I whispered.