Chapter 7

It was seven a.m. in the morning and I had just woken up from tossing and turning in my bed all night from a terrible nightmare. I got up walking out of my unit down the hallway to the living/dining room of the building noticing no one was in there unit, but the twins still. As I walk down the hallway I felt that I had a slight headache coming to me so I held on to my head. Once I got through the door I saw raven, starfire and kid flash all sitting together at the counter eating and talking.

" Good morning guys"

" Good morning friend Alaska" Starfire says.

" How you sleep?" Kid flash ask looking at me.

" Not so good. I tossed and turned most of the night. Just a nightmare that's all"

" Sorry to hear that. Something troubling you? You've been through a lot the past few days you know" Raven ask as I shook my head rubbing it slightly.

"No I'm fine really. Thanks for the consider. Where's robin?"

" He's in the training room he said something about having a session with the twins once they got up and ate" Kid flash responses.

" And vanity? I didn't see her in her unit either"

" I haven't seen her. Maybe she is on the rooftop" Starfire says as I nodded making my way there.

~Vanity POV~

I sat on top of the roof looking out at the sky as I held my arm with my free hand thinking of everything I just put Alaska and her friends through to save me. I lied and practically betrayed her trust now I feel that I will never get that back. I don't know why I did what I did, but I knew that I couldn't stay much longer at the titans tower. I would only become a burden on them all especially since I wasn't a good person to begin with. Part of me wanted to break down and cry, but another part just wanted to run from it all and never look back. The thing was I knew I couldn't do that. I sigh under my breath as I crossed my legs still wearing my pajamas waving my hands in a circular motion creating small little snowflakes hovering in front of me. People wouldn't understand, but doing little stuff like use my powers to make things always seems to calm me. That's when I heard the door latch to the rooftop unlock.

" Vanity are you up here?" Alaska says coming up through the door.

" What do you want?"

" I just wanted to check up on you. I was afraid that you had got up and just least without saying goodbye" she says as my facial expression grew slightly blank.

" Can we talk?" She continues on saying walking over sitting next to me as I shyly look away.

" I don't think that's a good idea...I can't continue to stay Alaska."

" But why? You are the reason we were able to stop Invictus." Alaska questions.

" I'm also the reason things got out of hand during that fight as well. I can't be trusted Alaska and I'm sorry for lying to you"

" Don't be sorry Vanity. I reacted off my impulses the other day because I was upset and tired of feeling weak, but you shouldn't tear yourself apart over it. You are nothing like Invictus and the others...You know that." Alaska replies.

" I don't think I know what or even who I am anymore honestly"

Something in me didn't feel right about all this, but I didn't have any other options. I felt there was a part of me that was missing almost like a physical part of me was stripped away. I looked down at my hands slowly starting to tear up softly.

" Vanity please. Don't go. There's so much we can provide for you here. You can make a change for the better. To be someone who helps others...not hurt." Alaska pleads.

" We all aren't meant to be a hero like you, Alaska. I'm far off from that and everything that was once worth fighting for isn't here anymore."

I looked over at Alaska as I could see the disappointment in her eyes. I hated having to say all this to her, but I knew that if I didn't she would continue to try and fight me on this. Part of me wanted to embrace her and tell her I was sorry, but I couldn't. I hated this feeling of feeling drawn to her, but I couldn't help it. Almost like it was something about her that made me feel a sense of change from within. Not having anything more to say to her I bided my last farewell to her before standing up and turning away slowly walking off. Before I could move another inch I felt Alaska spring up wrapping her arms around me hugging me from behind.

" safe wherever you go. I don't want to see you go, but I guess I don't have a choice...If you need me just find a way to contact me." She said with a sorrow tone before releasing me.

" I will. I need to find myself again. Find out who I am and what it is I really want and need. I-I'm sorry..."

" I'm sorry too" she responses as I turn to her hugging her one last time before my eyes glowed white.

"Goodbye Alaska"

"Kate...Just call me Kate" she says smiling.

" Ok.I'm Jasmine."

As I feel the temperature of my body drop my cells and skin grew colder turning me into nothing, but flakes of ice snow slowly blowing me off into the wind. Alaska stood there watching as she wiped away her tears and my entire body became snowflakes disappearing off into the sky.

~Madelyn POV~

It didn't take me long to realize that everything that me and my brother have been through up until this point has been real. The fights, being captured and even being put on edge of basically life and death has been all as real as having the powers were. Part of me still was in denial, but for other reasons I couldn't fully explain why. I woke up rolling over in the bed as I looked at the time and saw it was almost eight a.m. I sprung up looking around noticing that we were still in the Titans tower as I jumped back in the bed shaking Sebastian awake making him groan.

" W-What?" He muttered.

" Sebastian guess where we are!?!"

" I don't care let me sleep" he says groaning more.

" Come on Sebastian. We are in the Titans Tower. This is insane."

" Yeah and you waking me up is more insane" he says turning back over as I pouted slightly getting up leaving the room.

As I walked down the hallway I looked into the other units seeing no one was still in their rooms not even Alaska. Once I got to the front of the building I saw raven, starfire, and kid flash all sitting at the counter talking and laughing as I approached them.

" Why good morning friend Maddie" starfire says as I chuckle waving to her.

" Hey kid good work out there the other day. You guys did better than what was expected for new comers" kid flash as raven offered me her sit.

I walked over sitting down as raven stood beside me explaining all that happened the other day. All the possible outcomes and why I should I be glad to have been chosen to be apart of the next upcoming hero generation.

" Thanks guys this is all still surreal for me and my brother"

" Understandable. These things take time." Raven says.

Starfire mentioned to me that Robin was waiting for me and my brother in the training room. I looked at her with slight confusion, but didn't question getting up going back to our unit to get Sebastian making our way to robin. Once we got to the training room we saw robin standing in the center of the room floor.

" Uh robin, Starfire and the others said you wanted to see us?"

" Yes. You both did a good job the other day in the fight with Invictus and his backup. Very good job for newcomers even. Which leads to why I wanted you two to meet me. What do you say about becoming apart of the teen titans?``he says.

I smirk slightly enlighten at the fact robin was acknowledging what we did even with the risk and danger we were in. On top of that he just offered us a spot of their team which warmed my heart more, but at the same time raised questions.

" Become apart of the team? Like fully be superheroes and stay in the tower?"

" Yeah. You would be apart of the team apart from the training and go on missions and all. It would be up to you though if you want to stay in the tower. I would recommend it best that way so you wouldn't put your family or loved ones in danger" robin explains and Sebastian looks at Madelyn.

" We can't just leave our family and move away. What about school? Our friends?" Sebastian says.

" It's not like your being taken away from them. It's just you have to go about things with caution. Having too much contact with them could be risky." Robin replies.

" Come on Maddie! You can't tell me that you agree with this. What about Maggie!?" Sebastian says looking at me as I didn't know what to say.

" I don't know Sebastian. I want to be apart of something bigger than just me and help the world, b-but robin I can't just throw my life away for that. My family and friends are important to me!"

" I'll let you think more on it. For now you can go, but I will need an answer by the end of the day." Robin says in a firm tone.

As me and Sebastian sighed we both turn leaving as we went back to our units contemplating on what to do. I knew that this was a big opportunity to have and we couldn't just let it slip away, but I didn't know how to deal with distancing myself from my friends and family. Sebastian of course as usual wasn't for it, but we couldn't just act like things would be the same either regardless of the circumstances.

" Madelyn we can't agree to this" sebastians says seriously.

" But sebastian we can't go back home and act like nothing has happened over the past three days. We were captured.. I was t-tortured"

" What did they do to you?" he asked.

" T-things I don't think I can ever speak to anyone. Not even alaska"

Sebastian moves closer to madelyn trying to hold her, but she pulls away trembling.

" Sebastian I get it that things are moving fast and it's not a lot of time to really think things over, but this is something big. We could make a change to the world. We could become long legends going down in history books."

" Im sorry Madelyn. I can't just give up on my entire life." Sebastian says.

There was no way I could convince sebastian that in order to protect our family was to take robin's offer along with the great things that would come with it along with experience. With nothing left to say to him I got up walking out the room heading to the rooftop of the tower.

~Alaska POV~

As I stood at the edge of the towers rooftop I looked out at the sky as the tears dropped from my eyes. I started to wipe the tears away as i heard someone unlock the latch on the door to the rooftop opening the door. I turn to see Madelyn walking up as i was shocked to sense the tense aura draw from her.

"Madelyn what's wrong? You seem bothered"

" Its Sebastian. He doesn't agree with us fully becoming superheroes and joining the titans" she says looking down.

" Well Madelyn you have to remember that you guys are still new to things. Give him time to adjust he'll come around."

" What if he doesn't? I don't want to go through this alone" she says.

" Madelyn you won't be alone. You have robin, raven, beast boy, kid flash and me"

" That's true, but it would be a lot better if i could have sebastian by my side through this. After all he is my twin brother." she explains.

" I see. Well i'm always going to be here supporting and guiding you through things so will robin"

"Thanks Alaska."

I could tell that madelyn was going through a lot in her head. It was almost like she was going through something, but she wasn't telling me. Part of me thought that I was just assuming things, so I decided to ignore the feeling embracing her with a hug. Madelyn hugged me back as I held on to her tighter feeling her body slightly tremble in my arms.

" Everything is going to be ok. I promise."

" Ok. I believe you. Where is Vanity?" she asks.

" S-she's gone. She decided she couldn't stay. She said that she need to find herself."

" It everything that she has done you would think she would have tried to do a little better in making up for those mistakes" madelyn says in annoyance.

" Don't say that Madelyn. Vanity isn't a bad person. She's just been through a lot."

" How do you know?' she questioned.

" I felt it when I was talking to her. She has been through alot of pain."

" Do you think she will be back?"

" I'm not sure. Come on, let's go back inside." I responded.

When we got back inside me and madelyn went back to my unit, so I could talk to her on the things she needed to consider before she could fully consider robins offer. Once we got in my unit I closed the door sitting on my bed tapping the spot next to me as madelyn sat beside me.

" So madelyn tell me. What do you want? What is the thing that will make you happy?"

" All I want is to do something in my life that the world would never be able to forget. I want to be a role model for future kids. I want to be hope in life." She says.

" Ok, so being granted with these powers you have. What changed?"

" It just feels like being granted these powers as gave me the ability to achieve what i want, but in a bigger and better way. I have always dreamed of what it would be like to have powers like you guys. You all bring peace and balance. I want to be apart of that now." She says smiling.

" Ok, but do you understand the bigger picture? That even being granted incredible powers like mines that it comes with a cost. Yes you have been blessed with these powers that not even one out of a million people would ever get the chance of, but are you ready for the sacrifices you will soon have to make?"

It was at that point I could sense her aura change. Her facial expression became more gloomy and serious. I knew that this was like a dream come true for her of course because I was just like her just a little over a year and a half ago. I couldn't sit back and watch her go down the same path as me.

" Look Madelyn, I don't want to see you experience the same reality check that I did."

" What do you mean?'" she asked confused.

" When I first got my powers I thought that the world was at my fingertips. I thought I was indestructible and the most power being on the planet. That was until this guy by the name of Vantex came to earth and threaten the lives of everyone I loved. I went in head first not aware of the danger I had not only put myself in, but the ones I loved as well."

" What happened when he got here?" she asks.

" He almost destroyed the entire city and threatened to destroy the entire planet. His minions had attacked cities across the global at one point. Turns out that the meteor that came from the sky that gave me my powers was surged in aspects of a cosmic energy called Safire. It was a power energy source and something that Vantex was after for years. So when he found its location of landing was here in Oracle City he came in search for the meteor, but little did he know the same thing he was after was what granted me my powers."

" So that mean that the safire bonded and fusioned in your DNA" she implies.

" Exactly, but little did I know at the time how dangerous he was i sprung right into action determined to protect the city I loved along with its people and my own. Throughout that entire invasion I was beaten, broken, and embarrassed. I wasn't strong enough to stop him most of all it was my fault that he even was here long enough to make a big impact with the little damage that he did. That's when I ended up meeting the justice league. They came to rescue as always and saved the entire planet from the one person I wasn't able to stand up against. All because I was so quick to jump into action and be the hero without knowing the dangers, responsibilities and cost that would come. People died because of my stubbornness many of my friends I had to wind up cutting out of their lives because things were too dangerous for them to even associate with me. "

" Oh my god Alaska that is so sad to hear. I'm sorry that you had to go through that." Madelyn says rubbing my shoulder.

" No its ok. Even though that was the worst way ever to start off slowly overtime I made up for it all. It took time, but I did which got me noticed by Superman and he took me under his wing. Madelyn what I'm trying to say is that if this is truly what you want. Then your going to have be prepared to make those scarifaces in your life where you may need to cut yourself off from certain people whether it is friends or even family to protect from your life."

Madelyn facial expression now seemed to have become gloomier than before as I could tell that she was really feeling the effects and thinking of the possibilities that could come with her decision. I knew that this was a big step for her being she is only fifteen still, but age has no bounds when it comes to being a hero.

" Are you ok?'

" Y-yeah I just never thought of things that deep" she responds.

" I promise I'm not trying to knock your spirit or anything madelyn it's just you need to be sure you do what's best for you. Not what you want to be best."

" I-I know..Thank you Alaska. Your a good friend" she says leading over hugging me as I hug back.

"No problem Maddie"

Later on in the day after hours of thinking and discussion with her brother the twins were ready to give robin their final answer to his offer.

~Robin POV~

I walked down the hallway of the tower making my way to my data and analyze room to go over some schematics aqualad had came across during his time in patrolling vita city coasts. Once I got to the room and sat at the monitor starfire came in.

" Robin. The twins are ready to see you. I believe they have finally come to a decision." she says.

" Alright. I'll be right there. Take them to the living room and gather the others."

After spending another moment looking over the schematics I decided to get up and make my way to the living room where I see the twins along with everyone else. I walked up approaching them all as I walked around the coffee table.

" So...I hear that you two finally came to a decision?"

" Yes and robin we honestly don't think that we are ready for an opportunity like this. We have normal lives and we can't just throw all that away just be heroes flying around in capes." Sebastian says.

" Yeah robin we don't want to have to let go of friends and family for this type of life." madelyn adds on.

" I see."

The rest of the titans along with alaska all looked at the twins with narrow eyes unknowing of what to say to them.

" But! We also can't just sit back with these powers and do nothing!" Sebastian grins.

" We were granted these powers for a reason and not taking this offer would be throwing our powers to waste. We may not agree with certain things. We are willing to do whatever it takes to make this world a safer place for the people of the city, our friends and our family." Madelyn says.

As I looked at the twins a smirk came across my face unbelieved at what I just heard. I was glad that the twins were taking my offer in efforts to want to strive to make things better.

" Team what do you think?"

" I feel like they should be let in. Yeah they are still young and new, but they are very valuable." Kid flash says.

" You both showed courage and heart on that battle field. Anyone your age young enough to do something like that I feel like they should be let in." Aqualad says.

" Same here" beast boy says.

" Raven? Alaska?"

" I think that you two are wonder and purehearted enough to be a great ascent." Raven said as Alaska looked at madelyn and smiled.

" You both are very strong. I feel like you two are great partners and you both are destined to become great heroes one day" alaska says.

" Alright then it's settled! Welcome to the Teen Titans!"

Madelyn and Sebastian face lit up as they both jumped for joy as the others embraced them.

" Like I've said before you both did a good job of course, but also put yourselves at great risk and exposure. You guys wasn't thinking or analyzing, so smart. You guys were too reckless and hard headed to orders...Madelyn you disobeyed and ignored the warning of us telling you from the start to stay out of the situation...You let your feelings and emotions cloud your judgement of the situation getting you and Sebastian captured in the first place... And Sebastian you didn't display any form of leadership or willingness to prevent the little things from happening. One being letting your sister go into danger head first."

" We know robin. We're sorry" madelyn says as I tell her not to beat themselves up about it.

" With becoming a hero you have to come to terms with accepting everything you do is within your responsibility. Which means you have to be accountable for your actions."

" Your right" Sebastian says.

" Becoming a hero most of the time is fine when you're own your own, but being with a team helps you build better team chemistry, help and consideration."

" Things won't always be easy" Aqualad adds.

" You will be put in multitudes of danger situations and will need to know how to defend yourself from all precautions."

" This world is cruel. It doesn't matter whether your human or not human. Things will never be the same again." Raven says.

" You have to be ready for anything" Starfire says.

" You have to be ready to do the unnecessary if needed" Aqualad adds on.

" You have to stay vigilant at all times"

" Trust me robin. We are ready to start right away" Madelyn says.

"So shall we begin?" I say.