Who am I?

1969. Nabraska, Lincoln.

"Are you okay sweetie?". An overprotective nerse asked, looking down at the curly, carmel haired 15 year old girl laying stock still on the small bed in the nerse's office as if she was stopped in time.

Her eyes were blank. They held none of the lucky depth they usually did. Her name was Merribelle, the head doctor knew, by checking her ID card in her wallet.

The police had found her laying unconscious on the ground in in Dark Forest. It was rumored to be full of werewolves, though that was just crazy talk.

"A broken arm a deep gash in the right arm, but otherwise..." The nerse told him uncertainly. "But we still can't figure out what is wrong with her eyes."

" What I want to know is WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?" The doctor anounced.

" We don't know. It's as if she ... she is suffering from shock, but it has to be something much worse..."

"Maybe it's the pain from the gash in her right arm. That looked pretty bad." The doctor said thoughtfully stroking his chin.

"Where did the police find her anyway?" The nerse asked.

"The Dark Forest. Good thing they have men patrolling its border all the time, or they wouldn't have found her, and by now she would probably be dead."

"This whole topic creeps me out. Who knew being a nerse would be so CREEPY!"

* * * * * *

Your probably wondering' what did happen to me?'.

Well, it happened like this:

I was walking by myself in a park that seemed to be desserted, when I saw spread out in front of me the Dark Forest. I had heard rumors that werewolves lived their, but of course I didn't believe that nonsense.

I saw dark shadows beconning to me with evil grins( at least I imagined their grins).

I knew I shouldn't enter, but something about those dark, ancient, loominous oak trees drew me in.

I trudged down an overgrown path that looked as if it had once been savagely torn apart by brutal fangs.

I felt as if I was being watched by the trees. Maybe they had eyes? No. What was I thinking? I was being stupid, that was it. This was just a normal forest like any other I had ever entered. But no. This was Dark 😱 Forest. What was I thinking?

But I still trudged on, though I still couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched.

All of a sudden a huge black, hairy werewolf with glowing red eyes rose up from behind some narrled bushes, and brock a bone between its teeth with a snap.

Mutual terror flooded through vains, and my blood ran cold.

Then it lundged straight twords me, growling savagly.

It tore a deep gash in my right arm with its teeth. Tantalized, and screaming, I was blinded by pain, my eyes felt as if they were going to burst out of their sockets.

I felt waves of dizziness, then everything went black, and I had fallen into unconsciousness.

* * * * * *

"Hey, Doctor Bruce!" The nerse called after him as he sidled past her in the hallway of the hospital.

He stopped, and turned to her with an air of importance.


"Tonight's the full moon and-." She began, but the doctor cut her off.

"You don't believe in werewolves, do you? Because I think it's a whole load of nonsense. But I do at least think that you should stay here tonight. Watch over Merribelle."

"Yes, doctor." The nerse replied.