Canto II

"God's creatures who cried themselves to sleep stirred to cry again."

–Thomas Harris, The Silence of the Lambs

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Sometimes, I try to hide my fears in the deepest parts of my mind where no one, not even me, knows. I try to conceal it even from myself because I feel the universe can sense fears. The universe has its wicked way to turn your wishes into your fears and your fears into reality. On the same night, I longed for a change, I hoped for it. When I had it, I felt overwhelmed by it. It is the irony of life. Every day used to feel bland, repetitive and boring until tonight. Tonight our lives are changed, forever. I just realize that to feel alive is what I wanted and now, I do feel it, more than ever. I guess fear of dying is a painful reminder that I am still alive. A reminder that I do not know I needed.

My feet are burning from running and my chest is heaving fast but I do not mind. I swear I do not for the adrenaline rush is not like any other.

"Please open, anyone. Please." I whispered. I could not help but to stomp my feet, jittering while anxiously waiting.

Getting caught did not even cross my mind until I saw the lights suddenly peeking under the door. Finally, someone inside the faculty room woke up after a full minute of knocking. It was our principal who opened up the door.

"Thank God." I almost sighed with relief until I remembered the walking dead driver and the students trapped inside the bus. Any minute now they could suffer the same fate as the driver. I opened my mouth to explain but our principal, with unmasked irritation and frustration, reprimanded me. Well, I am not exactly what you call a model student. I have quite a reputation for being in and out of her office for years but now is not the time for this school-related talk.

"Just what do you think you're doing at this ungodly hour, Ms. Ferrer? Why are you not in your room? You're supposed to wake up early for our Sunday mass tomorrow." I was stung by her curt reply but really, getting reprimanded is the last thing we all need right now.

"Something ungodly has happened." I relayed to her what we saw. At first, I confessed that we snuck out and saw that her eyebrows shot up. She pursed her lips to let me continue what I had to say but then when I get to the last part, she gasped and let her mouth just hung open. I saw the life and color drained out of her face.

"God help us all." With shaky voice, the principal said. She was clutching her wrist where her rosary bracelet is. I know that she's feeling desperate.

"If this is a prank, know that this could get you expelled from this school." She hesitated for a moment until we heard a scream. It was not too loud but enough for us to hear. We quickly rushed towards the window and saw that one of the bus' window was slightly open and a girl who has her face pressed against it seems to be begging for help.

"I'm on probation, Ma'am. Pranking you would be the last thing on my to-do list." I quietly said. The principal gasped and stared as if she could not believe the limping men banging the sides of the bus.

"Should I tell them to stop?" She whispered. Her eyes glued to the scene happening before her. She looked like her mind is bombarded with different emotions and thoughts. We were on the second floor of the building D and we have a full view of the entrance from here since building D is connected to building A.

"It's 2019, Ma'am. I think we all saw at least one zombie movie in our lifetime. It's foolish to get close to them. They'll just eat you, rip your flesh and turn you into something like them."

"But what are they?" I feel like it is not still clicking to her. It is not for me either, I am still trying to connect all the dots and I know I am far from the whole truth.

"Zombies, Ma'am. I'm sure. I don't know why and how they became like that but I'm sure they are one."

"What do you mean, zombies?"

"Well, they're not alive but they're not exactly dead either. They are the undead. Look, Ma'am, now is not really a good time to philosophize things. We need to help them." I reached for her arm, trying to bring her floating mind back to earth. I need her to say something to get things going because she knows the what's and about's of this school. And as if she heard my thoughts, she slowly regained her composure.

"Go to the General Service Unit office. The men stayed in to work for the 3-day retreat of your batch this weekend. Wake them up, tell them what you need. Don't forget to mention that I asked you to. I'll go wake up your teachers."

"Also, please see over the other students in building A and have someone attend to their needs, Ma'am. I'm sure my friends already told them what happened and all of them are probably scared right now." I asked her. She nodded briefly and moved quickly to go back the faculty room. When she was about to enter the room, I suddenly remembered something.

"Ma'am," I called after her. She looked back so I seized the opportunity to ask a favor.

"Please tell Stella Benavidez that I request for her presence and send her GSU office. Thank you."

"As you wish." and with that, I ran my way to the GSU office which is down the other end of building D.

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"Please believe me. We're running out of time." I am very frustrated with this series of events. When I woke them by knocking, they did not receive me well. It got worse when I told them what we saw. I can tell that they think I am foolish because they did not even tried to hide it.

"Look, kid. We have no time for your pranks. We have to set up the venue—everything on the quadrangle first thing in the morning." Even though I did not even have the chance to catch my breath after all the running and explaining, I tried to be as understanding as possible. I know, I sound foolish. Who the hell knocks at your door only to tell you that there are zombies inside the school. I know where their dismissive attitude is coming from. These men work various maintenance duties all day long. This old school is quite a big work for few people to keep utility systems in check.

"Okay, sir. But you also have to understand that I could get myself expelled from the school for doing this. I could be sleeping peacefully inside our room right now, knowing that I'm on probation but not doing anything unlawful. But, I'm here despite everything. Aren't you even wondering why the guards did not catch me at all. So, please go and see it for yourself." I pleaded. This sounds crazy but every minute wasted jeopardizes not just the varsity students inside the school bus but everyone else in this school. I do not want to die yet. No matter how many times I joke about it, I realized that right now, at this very moment, I don't want to die. At least not like this.

"Ya'll, I think we should go and check." Finally, someone with effective conscience.

"Nah, brother. Go check it, we're sleeping," said someone who headed straight back to their bunks. The other four men followed him. Only two of was left standing in front of me. One looked worried and the other looks terribly irritated and angry. I know I looked like I'm about to cry because I truly am.

"Brad, I'm only going with you to make this kid ashamed of herself. She doesn't seem to know what trouble she's going to get herself into for pulling this kind of prank." The extremely irritated man said. The other one just sighed and threw me a defeated look. I know this guy Brad just wants to get this whole drama over with because if he didn't, his conscience will not let him sleep tonight. But apparently, this is not just a drama. This is now our reality. Realizing this, I noticed that they looked ready to go so I ask then to get any weapon they could use. I understand now why the principal asked me to go here first. The place is rich with handy things we could use as weapons. Brad picked up an old bat that is theirs for the cleaning and the angry man reached for a broken mop which edge was disintegrated from its clothe handling part and is now terrifyingly sharp and pointy. He also slipped a screw driver in his back pocket. I noticed an old wooden fencing sword and picked it up because I felt like out of all the possible things to use here, this the one for me.

"Hey kid, that's not ours. That thing is here for us to fix and clean. Put it back once you're done." The irritated man said. I just nodded even though I think it's impossible now. I can't even begin to imagine how the things are in the outside world. I was about to turn around to get us going when I heard someone speak.

"But it looks like we'll never be done." Stella interrupted. She had the most badass smile right now that I had to wear mine, too. I asked her to pick her weapon of choice and then we're set to go. I saw that she picked up a nail gun. I noticed she already has her small bag of bastons used in Arnis across her shoulder. Those two piece of wood Stella got may just be wood but they are deadly motherfuckers when she's using it. She's a master in Arnis, a Filipino Martial Art. She probably dropped by the gym room on her way here.

"Let's go," I said and with that, we started running towards the school grounds.

It only took us a full minute or two to reach the grounds. The undead driver and the three who feasted on him were around the bus. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed that the one of the two we saw entering was missing. We do not have the time to think though for we stand only few meters away from the zombies. Stella and I gripped our weapons tight, prepared to jump on the enemy. Brad was beside us, visibly scared. The irritated man noticed it and became more irritated than he already is. He looks like he is determined to make me regret troubling them. For sure, he still thinks this is all a prank. Before anyone of us could react, the irritated man already approached one of the zombies. First, he poked the zombie lightly with his mop but that horrid thing did not even budged. I assumed these dead motherfuckers already lost their sense of feeling, they're numb as hell now. The irritated man seemed to become frustrated as well and now, pushed his mop harder that the whole tip of his mop pierced the zombie. We saw the zombie's shirt seeped its blood slowly and it shocked all of us. It's blood is not red anymore, it's all black liquid pouring out of him.

"What the hell?" He said. His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear. Maybe even the zombies for all of them turned to face us. I almost died in extreme nervousness at the sight of it. They look rotten and smelled like it. Their eye balls are horribly weird, too. Soon, they started limping towards us. The irritated man was dumbfounded, his eyes were wide staring at how the zombie he just pierced, turned its head at an impossible angle to face him. The zombie slowly reached for the mop piercing him and pulled it out of its body. The irritated man was taken aback for he finally had seen how bad these zombies look up close. Besides, no amount of make up can replicate that 180 degrees head turn.

"Karl!" Brad shouted to get his friend back to focus. All the zombies in sight headed to Brad's direction because of it. Stella and I, with our weapons up, backed a few steps from the approaching group. I tried to pull Brad but he seems glued on his position. The irritated man named Karl just stared at Brad like he's already lost life without dying. We heard footsteps approaching quickly and saw the principal.

"One of them is upstairs," She said. Suddenly, there was a lump in my throat. My friends are up there. The principal seemed to notice my reaction so she quickly reassured me that they're safe and locked down inside the rooms. Stella and I are still has our guards up.

"Anna?" Brad croaked as he drop the old bat he is holding, he sounded like he is crying. One of the zombies was female and I just noticed that the woman was wearing the school guard's uniform. It was Miss Cruz, one of the school guards and now one of 'them'. I did not know she was one of the night patrols. It won't sink in that Brad must have went out his way with us most likely because he has Miss Cruz in mind. Shocked was an understatement to describe how I felt. I also happen to know both of their faces but not Brad's name. It is given that I recognize and know of Miss Cruz since she is a school guard. But I always see them together during lunch time because Brad brings Miss Cruz's lunch at gate D. I am always at the veranda during lunch time and I have a full view of the gate. I can only assume they have a romantic relationship.

"Anna, my wife?" Or not. Maybe not just any simple romantic relationship because I just found out they're married. I cannot see Brad's face because he is in front of us and both of us are facing the group of zombies. But, I am sure he looks worried to death. Miss Cruz is in front of the limping group, she could hear him for sure but she's not replying. All we can hear now are our breathing and terrifyingly low growling from the zombies which triggered my goose bumps. I am pretty sure all of us gasped—except Karl because he was just staring blankly at everything—when Brad started walking up slowly towards Miss Cruz with his arms open wide.

"It is you." Brad stopped walking when there was only a few steps between him and his wife. I can already see what is about to happen.

"Miss principal, please get the other GSU personnels and tell them to bring something for self-defense." I told the principal without looking and quickly I heard her running. I could not watch this. I already watched the driver die with my own eyes. I could not let anyone die on my watch again. At least not without doing anything. I do not have any plans but to beat the hell out of these zombies and hope I would not get bitten. I clasped my wooden sword hard as I was about to run and save Brad but Stella held my arm to stop me. She shook her head, threw me a sad look before facing the zombies again. I know she's telling me to leave them be. But I could not. I tried to removed her hand on my arm but Stella was persistent.

"Stop. Couldn't you tell that this is what he wanted. Stop being selfish." I was taken aback with what she said. I am very stubborn, I know that. Maybe it already occurred to him that she's dead and lethal but this is his death wish. I should not interfere. I could feel my body slump in defeat as we watch Miss Cruz closed the distance between her and his husband. The other zombies were falling behind but not too far.

"I love you, love." He said it gently and slowly as if his eyes were closed and he's smiling. By the way he said it, I could feel that he meant every word of it. He hugged her tightly and nestled his head on her shoulder. This left his neck exposed and just like that, Miss Cruz bit him in that open spot. He flinched and let out a low whimper out of pain but he just hugged her tighter. His wife ripped a side of his neck and we saw how Brad's blood just squirted and poured everywhere. He is now groaning loudly but still did not stop hugging her. Not even after the other zombies caught up and started biting and chewing on his flesh. We watch the life drained out him painfully, he helplessly fell on the ground but it did not stop the zombies from feasting.

I was devastated, entirely. Watching from a safe distance is different from watching everything happen just a few steps away from you. Knowing that you will not get there on time to save someone is not the same with full awareness that you could have done something to change things but did not. I could not help but cry. Stella beside me grew even more serious and wary. The principal along with the other GSU personnels already caught up. All of us could not believe our eyes as we watch how all five zombies eat and tear Brad's flesh right in front of us. Out of shock, the principal dropped the Bible she is carrying. The zombies turned their heads to us, slowly one by one they left Brad's dead body on the ground. They are heading towards us now, everyone held out their weapons.

"The dead, they're here. They came to walk the earth with us again. Not for anything good but for humanity's doom. God, why have you forsaken us?" The principal whispered.

If there is a god, why did he forsake us? I can't help but wonder.