Chapter 2

The rest of the week went much the same; Zach came in between one and two, ordered something new to try on our menu and washed it down with two bud lights. We chatted a little here and there, but it was all light conversation, or about something he saw on his route that morning.

As one week wore into two, I started having dreams about him. Toe curling, orgasm inducing dreams. Dreams hot enough that I had to keep myself from biting my lip every time he walked in the door of the bar.

On Friday of week two, Zach was quiet for most of lunch. It wasn't that he was super chatty to begin with, but he was more quiet than usual, like he was nervous about something. He had a plate of schnitzel and fries in front of him that he hadn't really dug into, just picked at. I went to grab his empty beer bottle and get him his second, when a large, warm hand closed over mine with the beer bottle. His touch sent electricity up my arm. I looked up, startled.

"Mel, I was wondering…" He let go of my hand and dropped his to his lap.

"What's that?" I asked, curious. I grabbed him his second beer and stood still to face him.

"Well, I was thinking about catching a movie tonight, would you want to go with me?" He looked hopeful but not too hopeful, like he was steeling himself for rejection.

"Oh. Sure." I said as casually as I could. "I don't know this area really well yet, where is the nearest theater?" I leaned on the bar, giving him my full attention. He perked up.

"Why don't we try the new Cineplex in Grand Blanc? Yeah, it's a little hike, but it isn't too far for either of us. Do you want to meet me or have me pick you up?"

"Oh, picking me up would be out of your way, I'll meet you there. How about six-ish?" I asked.

"That sounds great. Would you grab me a to go container for my food? I need to hit the road."

"Sure." I replied, handing over a white Styrofoam container and his bill.

"I'll see you around six Mel." He left money and went on his way. If I didn't know any better, you would think he was running away from something.

"Bye Zach, see you then." I called after his back, cleaning up his lunch. When I picked up the cash he'd left, I found a small slip of paper with a phone number written on it. I didn't see him write it, or leave it, he must have written it before lunch today in hopes that I would say yes. I smiled and pocketed his number, then took the dishes into the kitchen.

"Hey Henry?" I called, putting dishes into the sink.

"Yeah?" I heard from somewhere out back.

"Do you think your daughter could fill in for me tonight? Something just came up." I called. From time to time, Henry's daughter came and tended bar, she had to be about twenty-five.

"Yeah, I'll give her a call and let her know now." I heard Henry say, the sound of his voice getting closer. His head peeked around the corner to look at me. "Did that boy finally ask you out?"



"Yes." I could feel myself turning bright red.

"Good." He nodded firmly, and went back to whatever he'd been up to. I shook my head and went back to the bar. I planned the next week's liquor order to be submitted and left Henry's daughter a little note about what we were running low on and what the special was that night. At four o clock, Henry's daughter showed up grinning from ear to ear.

"I don't even want to hear it." I said, handing her my notes and list. She just laughed at me and waved me out the door. I gathered my things and had to flip James off as he made some silly comment about my upcoming date.

I ran home, showered, shaved, and looked at my sad, half empty closet. I sighed and put on a pair of tight jeans and a black sweater with three quarter sleeves. I threw a pair of earrings in my ears and put my unruly dark hair in a ponytail. Next, I put on a little eyeliner, shadow, and mascara. I was about to put on lipstick, but thought better of it, much to my libido's glee. She also was responsible for me putting on my black lace panty set. I opted for a pair of flats since we were about the same height, I knew how some men felt about taller women wearing heels. I checked my phone and rushed out the door.

I plugged the Cineplex into my GPS and made my way there. I ended up speeding a little and got there ten to six. I hopped out of my little car and wandered towards the front of the building. I saw a familiar back to me as I walked up. He was even more to take in without a bar in between us. I got a funny feeling in my chest. When I was a few feet away, he turned, as if he knew I was there.

"Hi!" I smiled broadly, wondering if I looked as silly as I felt.

"Hi." I felt less silly when I watched the smile spread across his face. "Good to see you without a bar in the way." He joked. We both laughed. "So, what kind of movies are you into?" He asked, looking up at the marquee.

"I like a little bit of everything." I followed his gaze up, then cringed. "Except romantic comedies."

His eyebrows shot up and he looked back down at me. "Oh?"

"Yeah, definitely don't like chick flicks." I stepped a little closer when he looked back up at the marquee. He looked back over at me and smiled warmly.

"How do you feel about action movies?" He asked, skeptical.

"I love action movies. What shall we do until 7:30?" I asked, looking back up at the movie time for the action movie.


"Sounds lovely."

"Okay, let's go grab our tickets and find something to eat." He gestured me forward and opened the door for me. I went in and felt his hand hover at the small of my back without actually touching me. My libido reared her ugly head and urged me to touch him. I ignored her but sashayed forward, feeling his eyes on my back. It couldn't hurt to give him a little something extra to look at, could it? As hoped, he lagged a little to watch the show.

We walked up to the counter and I bought our tickets before he could try to pay. I smiled triumphantly at him as I handed him his ticket and shoved mine into my pocket with my phone. He laughed out loud and shook his head.

"Alright smarty pants, let me get dinner then?" He asked as we turned, a playful smirk on his face.

"Oh, I guess. But I should buy, considering someone has been leaving me generous tips at the bar." I playfully bumped his shoulder with mine as we walked back out to the parking lot. He laughed harder.

"Do I have competition?" He bumped my shoulder back with his own. I ignored the real question behind the jibe and let our shoulders brush as we walked towards the vehicles.

"So, are we driving separate? Where do you want to go?" I asked, stopping.

"Mind riding with me? I'm right over there." He pointed to a gorgeous dark sports car parked by itself.

"Oh! That is a pretty piece of machinery." I gushed, running a hand over the hood before he opened my door for me. He closed it and went around to the driver's side.

"Thanks, she has been my dream car for a long time." He smiled and patted the dash, then fired it up. It roared for a moment then purred beautifully. "You into Italian? I know a nice Italian restaurant not too far from here."

"Sounds fantastic." I replied, settling into the leather seat. We drove a short distance to a small mom and pop place. We exited the car and met at the hood. This time he did put his hand on the small of my back as we walked to the front door. It was tentative, as if he was worried about touching me. I smiled over at him reassuringly. He was a perfect gentleman, opening doors, pulling out chairs, ordering wine. We made small talk, catching up on his day since he was so quiet at lunch. I went to shift my legs under the table at the exact same time he did, and our calves brushed. Both our heads snapped up like we'd been burned. He mumbled an apology and went back to looking at the menu in front of him.

I bit my lip, a delicious coil of heat was starting in my belly. I took a chance and ran the top of my foot along his calf in a very deliberate move, staring down at the menu. I saw his head snap back up out of the corner of my eye. I looked up at him, feigning innocence. He burst out laughing. He reached his hand across the table and I took it, giving it a light squeeze.

"Thank you for coming out with me tonight, Mel."

"No, thank you. I haven't had a Friday night off in a long time. Hell, I haven't been out in a long time." I smiled, then went back to perusing the menu. Neither let go of the others' hand. His had was much larger than mine, warm and dry. He had some calluses on his palm and thumb, but not gnarly ones. I ran my thumb over the back of his hand absentmindedly as I deliberated over the menu. I could feel a light shiver run up his arm at my caress. The coil in my tummy grew tighter and hotter. I licked my lips and looked up to find him staring at my mouth. He quickly looked up at my eyes and smiled. I was glad I wasn't the only one affected.

"So, see anything you want to try?" He asked. I wanted to tell him yes, but it wasn't on the menu.

"Hmmm… Maybe the pasta primavera. Have you been here before?"

"Mmm. But not in a long time." He answered, giving my hand a gentle squeeze and retracting his. The waiter appeared to take our order. After he took off with our menus, we were left facing each other.

"Mel, are you seeing anyone? I know I probably should have asked that before asking you on a date…" He trailed off, looking uncertain.

"No. I left everyone behind when I moved up here." I stated firmly. He took the hint and left it at that, I could tell he was suppressing a smile.

"I had a pretty bad breakup some time ago and have been on my own ever since. It was good fortune that I happened to stop for lunch in your bar that day." He smiled shyly this time. I smiled back. We spent a little while in silence, just gazing at each other. This sounds super awkward, but I swear it wasn't. Zach was one of the most easy-going guys I'd ever met in my life. Everything was effortless. Well, except restraining myself. I wasn't sure when I became such a hornball.

I was about to ask him about his family but our food came. We thanked the waiter and dug in. Like at lunch, he made a few sounds in his throat that sent tendrils of heat through me. My lower belly clenched and I could tell arousal was fast on its heels. I squirmed a little and crossed my legs. We chatted a little about the upcoming weather and finished our dinner.

After we paid, we headed back to his car to go see the movie. Our hands brushed as we walked, and I hooked my pinkie through his. I could see him smile out of the corner of my eye and he squeezed my pinkie with his. He opened my car door for me. The short ride back to the movie theater was quiet.