After cleaning up the kitchen and making breakfast, I made a pot of coffee and Zach joined me at the table in just his boxers. The sight tugged at my chest a little. I think I liked him half naked in my kitchen very much. We smiled shyly at each other while eating in companionable silence. Once finished, Zach pushed his empty plate away.
"That was good, I didn't realize how hungry I was." He stated, leaning back and stretching his arms above his head. I watched his muscles bulge hungrily. He may not have had a six pack, but his large arms, shoulders and chest certainly distracted from the thin layer of fat across his middle. I didn't like skinny men anyway, they made me feel big and hulking, like I was going to break them. I wasn't exactly built like a ballerina. I slid from my chair and stalked around the table. Zach looked up at me first with surprise, then with desire.
At some point, he had pushed his chair back away from the table, and I was glad. I circled around behind him, a hand ghosting across his chest and shoulders. I watched him shiver. When I got to the other side of him, I threw a leg over and sat in his lap, facing him. I could already feel a bulge starting in his lap. He tipped his head back to watch me, amusement evident on his face. I ran my hands up his torso and over his chest, down his shoulders and arms. I could feel his hard thighs flex a little beneath me. I think he figured out that I had a thing for his heavily muscled body. I gripped his triceps and slid in his lap so our chests were touching. He growled low and palmed my ass, pulling me flush against him. I couldn't get enough of the hard angles against me. I really was starting to question my sanity at this point, my libido had completely taken over.
"Something I can do for you?" He drawled, his eyes roving over me.
"Maybe," I answered just before capturing his lips with my own.
At some point we finally took a shower and got dressed, but not before two more rounds of sex. I wondered at his stamina and my own libido sending us through the roof. After, I started a load of laundry. I came to the living room to find Zach sitting on my couch on his phone. He looked natural there and it tugged at my chest. He smiled up at me and patted the seat next to him. I plopped down and peeked at his phone. He was digging through work e-mails by the looks of it. I left him to his privacy, angling myself so my head was on the arm of the couch and my legs across his lap. I closed my eyes and enjoyed him near me, letting him do his thing.
"Where's your phone? I don't think I've seen you on it at all since we've met, other than to put my number in it." I opened my eyes to Zach looking at me with a quirked eyebrow.
"Dunno, probably in the bedroom. The only person I want to talk to is here with me, so what do I need it for?" My tone was light, but had the desired effect on Zach; he beamed at me. I grinned back like a fool.
"If you don't have anything else going on, want to come back with me to my place?" He asked, hopeful. "Not that I don't like your place, but I have a few things to do…" He trailed off, unsure.
"I would love to. I need to finish laundry though, want to meet up at your place a little later? That way you can run errands or whatever, I can finish laundry, and we can meet up before dinner?" It was my turn to sound hopeful.
"That sounds great." His smile was genuine. "I'm going to text you my address so you have it for later." He stated. I heard my phone chime somewhere from the depths of my bedroom. I moved my legs so he could get up. Instead, he loomed over me, "I already miss you and I haven't left yet." He smiled, leaning in to kiss me tenderly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. We parted to smile at each other like idiots. He kissed me again and headed for the door. I followed.
I wandered with him down to his car, taking in the overcast but unseasonably warm day. At the hood of his car I paused, giving him space to leave, so I didn't look desperate. He started his car, then came back around his driver's door. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him. We kissed, then he moved away before he could change his mind and stay. I smiled and waved a little, then went back up to my place to finish my laundry.
At some point, Henry's daughter texted me and asked if she could pick up some extra hours and give me some time off. I asked her if she wanted to do Sunday and maybe some evening shifts so I didn't have to stay from open to close every day? She replied quickly that sounded good. I smiled, never thinking I would want more time off from this job. I had gotten it half because I needed the money, and more because I wanted the distraction. I didn't want to think about my old life and all that I had left behind.
I grabbed a change of clothes and threw it in a gym bag, that I would leave in my car, just in case. I didn't want to freak him out by bringing any of my stuff in his house right away. I slipped on my shoes and jacket and locked up my flat. I threw my gym bag in my back seat, out of sight, out of mind. If I thought about it too hard I'd second guess myself and never leave my place.
Before I left, I pulled out my phone and sent a text: Leaving my place now, stopping by store. Want anything?
He must have had his phone in hand, because I got an immediate reply: Sure, beer or hard cider?
I replied: I'm on it. See you soon.
I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the next town, which would at least have a reasonably priced grocery store, instead of the over-priced liquor/gas station in the tiny place I lived. I tried my best to not over analyze anything on the car ride, so I turned up the radio and sung along loudly. I was distracting myself pretty well, because I didn't see the black SUV following me.
I picked up a six pack of some local brew and a six pack of hard cider. I also grabbed some munchies and a deck of cards. I thought maybe it'd be nice to sit, play cards, and get to know one another better.
I loaded my loot in my passenger seat and continued on my way to Zach's place.
I located Zach with little trouble. I had just unhooked my seatbelt and was leaning over to gather my purchases when my door was yanked open and I was dragged out by my arm.