The Auction

In only a few minutes I would be on stage. Girls infront of me were doing some touch ups waiting for the section anouncment. the girls behind me were crying, yelling, and trying to run. But no one escapes. Ever.

My mother was right. Most girls wore Red and pink, with small dots of the other colors. But only I wore black.

"Welcome eveyone," It was the president. She was worshipped. She helps anyone and everyone in need. "I know everyone is waiting to know who your daughters will be sold to. I can tell you this years sector is.." My heart felt like exploding. Which sector would my future hold. " My own Sector, 1!" I stood there shocked I would be sold to the elite not just the elite the ones who determined the future of all sectors. All the girls around me started to jump and scream and hug eachother, But I wasn't so happy. I would only just be farther away from my family. From Rainer.

"Which also means" the president continued "mine own son will be bidding." If you didn't think it couldn't get any louder it did. "we could be bought by Xavier" One girl screamed. Xavier is the guy all girls want and all guys evny. Always in the spot light with an "enchating" smile. But I couldn't think about that , I could only think about Rainer and the sector 1 he would be buying. I didn't realize I had been crying until a girl rubbed my back and said "Don't worry just remember, for us, life only goes up from here. Imagine the rich girls reaction right now. They probably have never walked." And we never will have to after this. She walked away with a huge smile on her face. I hoped to see her again, she had a soothing feeling to her.

We got into our lines and were called one by one. some girls made the crowd laugh, some tripped, some even vomited. Soon enough though I was called. I felt like just running away which some girls did.... try, But I just plastered a confident smile and walked onto that stage. One by one she announced my accomplishment and what I brought to the table. I searched into the crowd for Rainer but he was nowhere to be seen. I hoped he hadn't done something stupid. But the second I started to think of him trying for me my heart glowed and wouldn't stop glowing. Thats when the biding started.