The looking game

The whole way to Shelbies we were taking small peeks at eachother. Xavier had a huge smile on his face and wouldn't stop looking at me.

"What?" I finally spoke out. But that comment only made his smile wider.

"Nothing." After that we just sat in silence until we arrived. I had assumed we would go to some fancy restaurant, but I was mistaken. It was a burger joint. He could see the suprise plastered on my face and said "I usually come here alone. I love the food and people here. You could say this is my second home."

We walked in and were instantly greeted by the workers. "Hey Xavier, Who's the pretty lady over there."

He looked back at me amd smiled

"She's my fiance. Bought her just this morning."

"Well then congradulations, Steven did you hear that, Xavier is gettin married."

He looked back at me and said "It's like home here, I've been coming here since I was a kid" With a huge smile on his face. Does he ever stop smiling? I geuss I don't hate his smile. Rainer had a beautiful smile

We took a seat at a booth and picked up our menus. Thats when the looking game had started again, and this time I couldn't help but look at him in wonder too. He put down his menu and just looked up at me. I tried to ignore him but I ended up putting my menu down and just looked at him too.

"You don't talk that much, huh?" He said

"What, You like the talkative type?"

"No! I just want to get to know you.."

"...Okay, Ask me anything."

He sat there for a minute thinking about his question and finally asked " What's your favorite color?" funny.

"Thats all you could think of, wow, you really aren't intrested in me huh."

"No, seriously I want to know, mine is, ironically, white." I paused for a moment before I continued. " Black actually, not because I don't like white. It's just Black matches everything and nobody on earth isn't wearing it right now. I don't know my dad always said I gave the color too much praise but I think it deserves more."

"Well everyone gives people too much praise. I can't even go out with out girls throwing themsleves at me and people screaming my name like I'm a god. I love the people and all but thier excitment over me bidding or just visiting is too much. It's my private life but It's never felt like that."

" Well at least the girl thing will stop now that I'm here, But everyone else, your on own buddy."

" Buddy, Wow straight to the friend zone? you know we are still getting married right?."

I froze. I had forgot so quickly about that. How could I be here laughing and playing along with Xavier when Rainer was probably doing everything he could to get back to me?

The conversation got cold and died quickly.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, your right we have to get hitched now."

"I'm sorry"

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For not giving you a choice" He responded.

He was kind and gentle. We laughed and joked for the rest of the night. When we left and got back into the limo, we BOTH were playing the looking game, And I didn't mind.