The Dinner

I made it to the restroom and thanked the maid. she was surprised by my kindness and smiled back. I locked the door and sat on the toilet with my hands in my hair. I hated everything about this. I realized that this was gonna be the rest of my life and I had to live with it. I was the luckiest girl ever. I had been chosen by the one man everyone wanted to be chosen by and i wasn't greatful I was being the opposite. Tears streamed down my face as I silently wept. That's when I heard a soft knock and a gentle voice.

"Star? you In there?"

It was Xavier I couldn't let him see me like this not right now. I barely knew him for gods sake why did I care? I quickly wiped my tears and cleared my voice.

'yup, im just finishing up." I said with a kind and warm voice.

"look star I know why your upset but you'll get used to it, I promise." I couldn't believe him 'get use to it'!?! I had to calm myself down or next thing I know I'll be fighting Mrs.white's champion myself.

I open the door calm and composed and gave him a warm smile before we walked back together.

We sat down and food had already been served with a salad as a starter, but no one seemed to be eating. The more I was in this house I started to grow scared for myself and my future. what was life gonna be like? parties with fake smiles and people starving to look like models for tv next to The Xavier White.

After hours of pointless talk and not eating we decided to Finally leave. The ride home was silent. He stole small glances but never took long like if he looked too long I would leave.

How old was Xavier? I know we are all 19 during the auction but Xavier looked like he was at least 22 with a subtle beard growing in.

There so many questions I had for him I guess I'll ask when we get home.

After 20 minutes I realized we aren't going home and we were downtown. I looked at him questioning, but he just gave me that million dollars smile everyone is so in love with. I waited until the car stopped and Xavier got out. Not knowing what to do I just waited in the car. Not long after he opened my door pulling out of my comfort. Sternly he told me "wrap your hand around my arm" without questions I did. He lead me into the tower of a building and walked strait to the back pass all the people as they stared in awe of our "affection". We walked passed the kitchens into a stairwell leading upwards. When we made up it was a balcony with a view of all of sector 1. I stared of in awe of the beauty.

"that was my face when you got on stage." In shock I looked at him as he continued to look at me. "you were so beautiful. I almost wanted to do nothing so I didn't ruin your life with mine, But I guess i'm selfish cause here we are." Not knowing how to reply I stupidly said

"when will I be able to see my family?"

Almost like he was disappointed he continued to say "whenever you want." He turned around and sat down at the table set for two. I felt like I ruined something but its not like we could actually fall in love I still love Rainer the boy who cared. Although it seemed like he had already moved on.

I followed shortly after when the butler came out with two platters of the most delicious looking steak I have ever laid my eyes on. I looked at Xavier but he was already eating so I pick up my utensils and started to eat.

The night ended with small talk and a small ice cream stop.

Only problem is the luxury will never cover up wrong things that happened at brunch. The system is riged and currently I have no power to help stop it, but mabey someone else does.