(Recommended song for this chapter: "A Degree Of Randomness" - Christoffer Franzen)
Kim Tae Hee POV
I miss him like crazy, I need to came back to the USA at least this drama promotion finally ends I quickly go to my parents house I told them that I have a boyfriend and that I want them to meet him but he's doing a film in USA right now and because I miss him a lot I am going to flight tomorrow to the USA, my moms cornered me and start to makes me questions about him, I do my best to answer all their questions without exposing his identity I mean they are already freaking out now because I have a boyfriend what would happened if they knew who he really is?
I took a flight when I told Jihun that I was coming back he sends the private jet for picking me up I flew to Charlestone, while I was on the private jet I was thinking if I will have a new sister when I arrived I mean I am pretty sure that there are no woman that founds him unattractive and if they spent time with him they will eventually fall in his clutches like I did, but If I arrived and she is not yet my sister
He's staying in the new designed mansion (improved Noah's mansion designed specially for artistic people like painters, writers, musicians) with Rachel all the crew are staying in Black River Plantation, now I came to this house why do I care my man is a freaking genius this mansion was amazing in the exterior it looks like a 40 or 50's years mansion but in the interior first there was a huge cherry tree in the middle of the mansion that works well with the design they are a lot of plants here and there.
The ilumination in the place is beyond anything that I saw ever, the design follows an ecofriendly design and it uses natural ilumination there's books everywhere almost every wall its not a wall is a bookcase.
There is a huge bar/cafeteria area its exterior is from glass and has an splendid view of the river and the sunset there's also a theater, a piano and a music room filled with a lot of instruments its like the holy grial spot for arthistic people you can found a lot of inspiration here without doubt, on top of the mansion there was a huge cristal lookout with a huge interior garden, a lot of hammocks and bonfire spots in the night you can came here and look at the starry sky.
I came to the master bedroom, there was my man practicing a scene with Rachel I clearly saw that she is looking at him lovingly as woman we have a sixth sense for this things and I knew that she likes him finally I have found a sister!!
-"Ey there handsome do you missed me???"(Kim Tae Hee)
-"Yea, Taehee are you crazy why you didnt told me that you arrived I would came for you I have to punish you hardly for this!!"(Jihun)
-"Mercy, have mercy babe!!"(Kim Tae Hee)
-"Oh this is Rachel McAddams my partner in the movie and this is Kim Tae Hee my girlfriend"(Jihun)
-"Amm... sorry... hello there nice to meet you!"(Rachel)
-"Let's leave this bad man and talk a little you could make me dinner I miss your food"(Kim Tae Hee)
Rachel McAddams POV
We were practicing our scripts he usually makes a joke or two and I knew that the joke was coming haha I am amazed at how much I knew his eccentricities even if we have a little time to know each other, then I hear a woman's voice and when I got who she is I get nervous did she saw me earlier sending him those loving gazes jeez.
-"Ey there handsome do you missed me???"(Kim Tae Hee)
Somehow she manages to make Ian do the dinner and she wants to talk with me I almost know that there might be some troubles so I hesitate but when I didnt notice any bad vibes from her I choose to go and talk to her.
-"How much?"(Kim Tae Hee)
-"Excuse me?"(Rachel)
-"How much do you love him?"(Kim Tae Hee)
-"I... I dont know what you are talking about"(Rachel)
-"Look I am not going to be a cliche typical jealous girl if that's waht you think, I am actually telling you this because I am begging you for help"(Kim Tae Hee)
-"I dont get what you are saying"(Rachel)
-"He's a beast!!! I am not practically against that but he just overcome me always and I am afraid to leave him unattended, you know that have some serious health issues if its not done in time"(Kim Tae Hee)
-"Wait then are you asking me to become your sister? And be Ian's girlfriend? But he doesnt see me that way he already told me that he have you"(Rachel)
-"Really??! Wow but are you really ok sharing him? I mean he is the best writer in USA rich and powerful in the circle"(Rachel)
-"Pffft are you serious right now? Hahahahaha that's the least important of his identities let's talk about him"(Kim Tae Hee)
----Few moments later---
-"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Are... Are you serious that he is LJH boss?!! Also heir of Samsung Group and his parents are also that crazy rich and powerful!!?"(Rachel)
-"Of course I already know my parents in law about him being the heir his father is well known and right now his grandpa already named him as his sucessor"(Kim Tae Hee)
-"This is crazy so he in the future is goign to be the richest and most powerful man in the world? I mean LJH is also crazingly developing and the combination of their parents and grandpa groups this is fucked up!!!"(Rachel)
-"Also he is insanely talented, handsome and gentle as you already know but like I already told you he is also extremely powerful
-"Well I am also in loved with him and now that I know who he is I will be crazy to denied your proposition!!"(Rachel)
-"YEEEEES!! Finally I can rest!! Also you need not to be afraid if he agrees with you being his woman its for life and he will always treats you the best!!"(Kim Tae Hee)
I dont know what are those two doing in there, but the next moment I know what are they doing exactly.
[Jihun completes 2 HQ: Obtaining Rachel McAddams friendship and making Rachel McAddams your girlfriend]
[Host didnt get her friendship because she have mixed feelings about you until now]
[Host obtains 2 golden chests]
[Did host wants to open the rewards?]
[Jihun obtains the Gold skill
Skill that allows the host to cultivate with his partners, this skill makes both stay younger and healthier, also bring up all attributes of host gradualy by cultivate this, host can also fight more with the ladies (><') expanding his fighting time with all the harem ladies or having to expand his harem but as well it creates dependence with host activities as well and found other guys disgusting.
[Jihun obtains the Gold object
Blueprint of the ultimate game console it brings the use to a virtual reality where he can use his five senses, unhackable object.
Damn jackpot! Definitely is for the best to make girls come to my harem I potentially can win good rewards from that.
Now the most important thing is to deal with those hahaha I am going to use Lust Aura and the new Dual Cultivation at full today.