(Recommended song for this chapter: "Orion's Game" - J.T. Peterson)
[Jihun obtains -> Gold level object <5000 sucessful operations>]
[Jihun obtains -> Gold level object
Blueprint of the perfect atomic recycler that brings any type of garbage and turns them to raw material, acumulating and dividing each one of the materials and turn them into blocks of material afterwards, it doesnt work with life beings or anything human.
[Jihun obtains -> Gold level skill
As it implies this skill gives the host world level acrobatics that goes from Gymnastics to Parkour and even gives the host fight purpose acrobatics as well as the host became more proficient in this skill host can do better acrobatics with the less stamina possible.
[Jihun obtains -> Gold level skill
It gives the host the ability to be proficient in any type of white weapons if host became more proficient with this skill host can use any type of object as a killable object.
Perfect set for the next big movie V of Vendetta with these and my continous training with Jason and Eve I am going to be a pretty tough guy really soon, I got practically 10000 sucessful operations so I decided to use half of them and leaving the other half for an emergency.
-"Jarvis please use 5000 sucessful operations for Medical"(Jihun)
[Jihun advance Medicine from Advanced to Expert level]
I completely broke the billboard music awards practically all the songs that I sing in Love Story in Harvard and The Notebook are on the top 100, even the korean songs Saldaga and The reason I became a singer on top of them due to the high notes and lyrics.
I am at the top of the billboard due to Jealous, Can i be him and No matter what I immediately became a strong force in the music world, my songs are asked worldwide and I became a renowned musician due to the high assistance of The Notebook film.
This weeks were really hard for Jason and Eve because I am now really famous so I talk to them and ask them to find eight people to made a team of bodyguards from their contacts and meanwhile I started to seek to made a security company so I quickly buy ADT, Blackwater and Pinkerton fused them and call it LJH Security Inc.
Now its near new year eve and all of my family are coming to my parents mansion to celebrate this year, also Rachel, Taehee, Scarlett and Hyekyo families are coming as well.
Rachel family was the first to came she have a sister and a brother, I recall that her sister was one of the best make up artist in the circle right now she was just starting so I called Miramax and offer her a job and many instructors in the circle to make her the best make up artist, her mother is a nurse so I also helped her to became the head nurse of the hospital she is working, and her father was a truck driver so I bought Knight transportation and give him the CEO position.
Scarlett family comes next she have 4 brothers practically all of them are also in the entertainment business so I hired them in Miramax and her father is an architect so I hired him for a branch of LJH E&C in USA.
Taehee family is conformed by his father a sucessful businessman I intend to invest in his company later, two wifes, a big sister and a brother, her sister is a beautician and maybe later I am gonna buy some cosmetic companies in the future and give her some management position and Lee Wan is an actor I hired them at LJH Entertainment.
Hyekyo family is conformed only of her and her mother I bought a nice apartment in Seoul and let her live there comfortably.
Now my parents and grandpa are really happy to have a lot of daughter's in law, before my father punch me in the face when I told them about Scarlett and Hyekyo and he punch out his jealousy from me.
We have all a nice new year's eve dinner and we got all in touch, all got really friendly and are completely in favor of the relationship among us and later my grandpa left the girls a beautiful platinum with jade decorations bracelet that means that they all are Samsung daugthers in law.
Now practically all my time I passed it with Jason, Eve and the new squad training and making me a killing machine.
Few months later...
I also organized with the G-20 and the most powerful Non Gubernamental Organizations in the World to made the world biggest and greatest concert ever, in Every single capital of the G-20 countries big platforms were being made with humongous screens everywhere, hundreds of banners with G-20, ONU and the NGO organizations are placed along the world.
Every single news channels in the world are talking about this performance and that is the first time that this group of important organizations are going to unite to a single purpose and that every single person that wish to made a difference needs to assist the show, practically all traffic in downtown of every single capital city is redirected and hundreds of thousands even millions are assisting this big show.
At 7:00 pm in Washington D.C, USA in the Washington monument also the USA Capitol are plagued by people in some iconic cities of USA are also a the same big screens and they are also full, big orchestra starts to sound (Arrival to Earth) and among the world this song sounds and everyone gets chills all over their bodies.
As soon as the song ends the lights went off and a huge logo with FTW (For The World) and its symbol two hands guarding the Earth shows on the big screen then it change to G-20 symbol and followed by the NGO's finally LJH group cames and then all lights focus at one point and I came up from a plataform, as I was coming up the orchestra sound the crescendo of the last song and stop it.
-"Good day/evening or night ladies and gentlemen that see us from all over the world, my name's Lee Ian/Jihun and I am going to be the host/performer of this show, I know what a mystery it is why the most powerful organizations and countries, the best NGO's of the world are united in this single show we know that there's something terribly wrong with our world, global warming, pollution, poberty, hunger, thirst, disease and war"(Jihun)
As I told this several images from all over the world are showing to gaves them a powerful impact.
-"If we continue to go from this path the world is going to end quickly and we need a change not only for ourselves but for our children, granchildren and all the generations that are going to come"(Jihun)
-"Now let's bring our very first performer to this show Linkin Park"(Jihun)
Now Linking Park cames and start performing
Then Seal cames and he is going to sing
Then I cames and sing three songs:
(John Mayer - Waiting on the world to change)
(MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - SAME LOVE feat. MARY LAMBERT) that I sing with Alicia Keys
(John Legend - If you are out there)
Then the orchestra play again the entry song and I came out once again.
-"Now this show cames to an end with me, maybe you are thinking that's it? All for this why did you wanted to make us come to just a concert even if it was a nice one"(Jihun)
I already know that sooner or later I am going to be known to the world as the boss behind LJH Group so If I am destined to be known then I might as well do it in an incredible show as this.
-"Let me present myself again, musician, actor, 6 major academic degrees from Harvard and MIT, but even If I am all of that I cant be known I am not that famous to host this kind of show all over the world"(Jihun)
-"Let me rephrasing myself even if I have all those talents what makes me been worthy is 2 things: 1. I am the boss of LJH Group the conglomerate in charge of FTW NGO and 2. I am also an inventor"(Jihun)
There was turmoil all over the world and every businessman now know who is behind one of the most powerful conglomerate of the world and its a 19 year old man.
-"But we are not here just for me to present myself to the world hahaha today's show is because of the inventor topic, I made perhaps the invention of the millenia the FDPE"(Jihun)
Now all over around the world schematics of the FDPE are being shown and I keep speaking.
-"The FDPE is the invention that's going to help us to start reforming a healthy world, due to a chemical composition we place this guy at high altitudes and it start accumulating all nocive materials in the air and dicompossed them to make another solution that helps recover the Ozone layer"(Jihun)
-"With the help of the New York Mayor the first prototype was working the last 6 months eliminating all the nocives materials in the air and recovering the oxone layer above NY in a radius of 500km its now perfectly proved and tested that the FDPE works marvelously"(Jihun)
-"I am currently sending FDPE's to all over the world to recover the ozone layer and start improving the condition of our planet now this is not a solution because we still release nocive materials to the air but its a start LJH Group is working a new type of clean and efficient energy to stop doing it"(Jihun)
-"Thanks for all and goodbye!!"(Jihun)
All over the world for most than a month I was on the news from my identity as LJH Group boss, personal life, my performances and music and my invention and thanks to the transparency of the FDPE's revealed by me and the group, all can see that the air pollution is starting to cease and the ozone layer is improving.
I got a nomination and most likely I am going to won a Nobel of Chemistry and Peace as well ONU and all the G-20 gives me an award and aknowledge that I am becoming a friend for their countries, all over the world statues of me are standing.
[Host obtains Platinum level chest, host wants to open it?] (Yes)
[Jihun obtains Platinum level object-
Blueprints of the AAR that is the best perpetual and clean energy conversor in the universe it uses atoms for any kind of element nearby and produce a controled nuclear fusion that gives an immeasurable amount of energy to anything that's plugged in, it cames from miniature and gigantic version the biggest version could provide clean energy for all the world.