(Recommended song for this chapter: "Mares Of The Night" by Glen Gabriel)

I wait for MinJung to end her shift, she hugs me again we are going to have some dinner and maybe some sohu with it.

-"Now Steve, why the heck did you make me wait you this long!! "(MinJung)

-"Relax MinJung I am already here isnt it? Now I have someone to find and I need your help"(Steve)

-"Obviously I am going to help you dummy but where are your pack of GIJoes??"(MinJung)

-"Well I kinda change my job I am still on the navy but I am in charge of a new team in Hawaii but please dont make me change the topic, MinJung my dad's dead"(Steve)

Its like a thunder blast MinJung from the chair she just manage to jump the table and hug me tightly she was literary shaking I clearly hear her crying loudly, I let her do what she wants but I just cant hold back and I just keep closing my hands in to fists, MinJung its one of the few girlfriends that I present to my father with my webcam, they really liked each other so I know that she is also devastated, while we are still hugging each other MinJung speaks in my ear.

-"How did he died...? How did Grumpy died?"(MinJung)

-"Hahaha I really missed that nickname do you know that he only let you called him like that?"(Steve)

-"Now look who's trying to change the topic"(MinJung)

As I recalled all the events that lead to my father's dead my whole glance change, from laughing to happy to neutral, sad, lost and pure rage, when she saw this she already knew that my dad didnt died from natural causes I really dont show this much hatred at all only if someone really pissed me off she knew this.

-"Who did this Steve?"(MinJung)

-"He died because of me MinJung I was hunting some bastards traffickers/terrorists/war lords the worst that the human race has to offer and I caught one of them all was fine until his brother called me from my dad's home, then everything goes shitty when 2 helicopters appeared and attacked my convoy at the end I killed the bastard but that makes his brother killed my dad, at the end I put the mothertrucker in the jail but a week ago he tolds me that all of this was planned by a guy called Wo Fat because my dad was investigating his operations and might have found something, I search for him and all the data tolds me that he is here, I need your help to catch this piece of shit!!"(Steve)

-"Calm down dummy, well now that I have a name let me make some phone calls and we are going to figured out somehow where he is"(MinJung)

-"Thanks sunshine... amm I also going to need the help of another person but you are not going to like it..."(Steve)

-"Omoo, what I am not going to like McGarrett!!?"(MinJung)

-"It's just another person that I knew that's from here and she might going to help us"(Steve)

-"Ohhh... so it's a she..."(MinJung)

It was at this moment when he knew he f*cked up...

-"Let's talk about it MinJung, please just keep down that chair... where did you hide that KSS..."(Steve)

Some minutes later or punches later...

-"Ummm so another one of your ex's its from here uhh told me about her!!"(MinJung)

-"Well she is a profiler and a renowned psychologist so she might helped us with the search she is the one that helped us with an Op with the White Tigers years before to catch the , she practically close the search and found who he was"(Steve)

-"Now I get why do you want her to helped us but first how beautiful she is..."(MinJung)

A few moments---punches--- later.

-"What I am going to do with your handsome face bastard why the heck are you a lady killer may I disfigure you a little bit... ??"(MinJung)

-"Yeahh MinJung chill out why are you this angry I never two times out, she is just my ex like you whats wrong with that? I mean not that you never go out with that stupid pedriatic doctor or the hospital CEO"(Steve)

-"Well I guess you have a point but those were just an innocent date I dont really have an actual relationship with them like you have with her, well I guess that I might share you, your a beast when you want and I can handle you entirely... But first I wanna test her she needs to gain my approval"(MinJung)

-"Amm ok well then we need to hurry up, also I dont actually know where she's right now so we need to find her first"(Steve)

-"What and how the heck are we going to do that?"(MinJung)

-"Well let's first look for the best luxury bar that Seoul has to offer and maybe there we could find her"(Steve)

-"I know exactly the place that you are talking about, but it's quite expensive if she's a regular she either has to be quite sucessful or a second generation which one is she?"(MinJung)

-"You are really a curious woman, well she is both"(Steve)

We then drive to Cheongdam-dong, 42 Dosan-daero 55-gil, there we just go upstairs and then stop in front a bookshelve.

-"Great this look like a perfect luxury bar to me sunshine..."(Steve)

MinJung grabs a book and then like a movie the bookshelve moves and in front of me was a luxury great gusby type of bar.

-"Forget what I said gorgeous, this is the one"(Steve)

I really dont wait too long to found her she was just sitting on the bar drinking some wine, then some dumbass pampered kiddo just aproached her.

-"Ey there gorgeous, I just saw you and I was thinking if I might buy you a drink?"(RandomGuy)

-"... well I am kind of drinking right now and I can buy my own drinks thank you also I will be delighted if you just let me drink at peace"(YuJin)

-"Oh come on! You look pretty lonely I could gladly keep you company tonight"(RG)

-"Well that's it... please go and jerk off yourself tonight 'cause you are not going to have anything from this lady"(YuJin)

The guy was pissed off and try to grab YiJun forcefully and she just grab his wrist and twisted it and with the other hand she puts his head over the bar a loud noise sound around the bar when his head collides with the hard surface of the bar and then he just plummeted ther unconcious, quickly the security guys grabbed him and threw him out of the bar.

-"Well I'm glad that you still have it YuJin, at least you dont forget my martial arts lessons"(Steve)

When she hears my voice she just dropped the wine from her hand, she just bring her hands to her mouth and scream a little bit, then she just turns around and when she saw me she just jumped and hugh me.

-"YOU BASTARD, no phone calls, not mailing, hell I will die for even a letter from you!! You need a lot of things to explain!!!"(YuJin)

Then she saw MinJung, and she twisted my belly strongly, I swear that some ligthing were crossing each other when MinJung and YuJin stare each other, they just in a matter of seconds evaluates each other qualities and shortcomings.

-"Ahhh YuJin please stop with the violence..."(Steve)

-"Now sweetie would you mind to explain why after all these years of not knowing anything about you, you cameback with a girl to see me..."(Angry YuJin)

-"Well YuJin this is MinJung, MinJung this is YuJin you are both my ex's and I came to Korea 'caues I need both of your help"(Steve)

-"So this is the famous MinJung that your dad told me about mmm well at least I cant deny that you have a lot of taste when you choose your woman darling, she is quite a beauty"(Yujin)

-"I could say the same YuJin you are a solid 10, I dont know grumpy told you about me"(MinJung)

-"Well she likes you a lot, I have to win his heart slowly and I agree he is a total grumpy"(YuJin)

YuJin notes that I was really not ok with the conversation, but not with us evaluating each other but with us talking about his father, as she saw a lot of my body language she just hugh me again as she was crying loudly.

-"How?When? Are you ok sweetie please I hate seeing you like this, why the heck did you not told me that your dad died!!!!?"(YuJin)

-"Sorry YuJin I just have a lot to deal about it and then I just have in my mind to catch the bastards that did this to him and I just totally forgot about to telling you"(Steve)

-"It's ok sweetie but I need to pay my respects to him later, well then In which way I could help you?"(YuJin)

-"Wait how can you do that??? How can you know about it without even hearing from him?"(MinJun)

-"Well it's my thing you know, I know that from your smell of medicine and some body language that you are probably a doctor or someone sorted of healt service worker, also you are skilled and you know how to fight due you being tense when I kicked that man's ass or when you stare at me the first time so I kind off bet that you are a medical soldier"(YuJin)

-"Wow that's amazing!! You are right I was a medical soldier now I am a doctor at SMC, now I know how Steve insists on your help"(MinJung)

-"Well YuJin I need to give me an approximated area that a criminal could be with some data of him and a profile of his wrongdoings and last whereabouts"(Steve)

-"I could do that dear but first who's this guy?"(YuJin)

-"The mastermind behind my father's dead, the other ones were only the trigger"(Steve)

-"Ohhh so this is the f*cker, I will be glad to help you find him but I demand that when we catch him leave me with him 15 mins"(YuJin)

-"Ohh I also want 15 mins with him!!!"(MinJung)

I got goosebumps all over my body I almost pitty Wo Fat, man please just escape the anger of this two woman, or please die in the way that would be better than those 30 mins with them, note as myself a doctor and a psychologist are not the guys that you want to pissed off one could probably know where it hurts the worst and the other could literary f*cked with your mind.