To be continued



With that slap which despite hurting like hell made her whole body tremble and almost cum, Bingyan couldn't hold her true emotions from leaking and moaning for real. 

The next second Bingyan who realized what happened in her moment of weakness, started letting out fake shouts of resistance which no one bought. 

As for why Bingyan felt so good. It wasn't just because of being spanked for the first time ever. But because Bai Long used the second level of the Touch of Craving which no longer placed importance on how he touched them, but instead on how much Qi he used. 

While being in the Qi Ant Realm didn't provide Bai Long with access to huge amounts of Qi, it did however serve to be more than enough for Bingyan who wasn't even in the Martial King Realm. 

Raising his hand once more, Bai along again used the Touch of Craving on his palm, and especially focused around his finger.