Boundless arrogance

After Bai Long finished saying those three words, the whole throne room was sent into a state of silence due to fear and shock. 

As for Tao Xiang who brought Bai Long here, his knees had turned completely weak and started buckling and looked like they would collapse due to the pressure he was feeling at any moment. 

"You.... Are you drunk?!!!"

"Submit or perish? Who do you think you are brat?"

"Others might be afraid of your Bai Kingdom, but not me! I'll kill you right here!"

Ignoring everyone around the throne room who were the various generals, eunuchs, and ministers, Bai Long continued looking towards Zhu Zemin. 

"Why are you not answering fat King? Did you not hear me?"

'Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!!'

Cursing Bai Long louder by the second on the inside Tao Xiang wanted to nothing more than rip that insolent tongue out of his mouth. 

"How dare you call his Majesty fat? Die!!!"