Bane of the Living

Once Bai Long who was respected by both Sun Hai, and Cao Hai, and recognized by many as Linxin's son launched an attack, the soldiers didn't even wait for the generals' orders and started rushing up the hill to fight alongside him.

Cutting everyone whom he ran last into two, and sometimes three just because he could, Bai Long after reaching near the burning flames sensed the huge amount of Yin Qi which was being released by the 250,000 dead soldiers.

Since he cultivated the True Demon Technique, Bai Long didn't need to do anything and just stay near the dead humans and all their Yin Qi would be collected inside his body on its own.

And the stronger the one who died was, the more Yin Qi he would release.

As for the current situation, while everyone who died was in the Martial Stages of Cultivation, due to the sheer number of how many died Bai Long's body was being filled with Yin Qi by the second.