The captured beauties

Entering the palace without the slightest problem since the soldiers who were standing guard were the same ones who were there a few days back, and all knew about his identity as a prince of the Bai Kingdom, Bai Long directly proceeded towards the throne room.

Even from afar Bai Long could hear the various voices which were shouting the concerns and complaints they had. 

"Who do you think you are to arbitrarily make this decision?!"

"How could you have made such a huge decision without consulting us?! Have you lost your mind?!!"

"Shit! With those words of yours, the Zhu Kingdom's image has been completely tarnished! Submitting to the weakest kingdom inside the Xiao Dao Continent? Fuck!"

"We do not accept this!"

Guessing that it was most likely towards Wenling, Bai Long chuckled and kicked the door open as he entered the throne room.