How to treat sexy prisoners

Being the first load Bai Long released in quite a few days and adding in the impact of having experienced huge back to back fights, the amount of semen which came out of Bai Long's dick was much more than it usually did. 

In fact, it was so much that once Bai Long finished cumming and pulled his dick back, it almost shot out like a geyser from Wenling's ass. 

Luckily, she managed to clench her asshole and keep his semen from flowing out in the last second because she didn't want to waste it like that. 

Pulling his dick back, Bai Long decided to end it with that since he had something quite special planned for tomorrow and wanted to wait for it so that he would be able to enjoy himself more. 

Taking a few minutes to recover due to having orgasmed a fourth time when Bai Long cummed inside her, Wenling who felt like her body was wrung dry and could no longer squirt turned around and sat with her butthole pressed against Jingfei's lips.