One man gangbang Part 2

With just his hands squeezing the woman's body it wasn't that clear, but after he put one of his dicks inside her mouth, Bai Long could now tell that regardless of what each of the body felt his senses due to being connected with them allowing him to experience the same sensation.

And it wasn't the sort which only let him feel the most pleasurable or painful sensations.

All of the senses were being stacked one on top of the other. Thus, as long as he paid attention to everything he was feeling Bai Long could properly differentiate what each of his bodies felt.

Or if he chose to, Bai Long could decide which of the sensations he wanted to feel, and which he didn't.

But doing that wasn't easy due to which Bai Long decided to just go along with how he was feeling right now and not turn it more complicated.