There are two holes for situations like this

After kicking Meirong out of her own tent, and further ordering her to not go too far away from him Bai Long looked up towards Linxin who had an indescribable expression on her face.

"What's with that face mother?"

"If something had gone wrong, you would've lost your life."

While Linxin still didn't know what it was that Bai Long did, she knew that he took a very huge risk in placing some sort of curse on Meirong to obtain control over her. 

That was also why he most likely lost so much blood and turned so weak. 

"Yes. But I didn't."

"But, you could have! Was it worth going that far?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... Is any of this worth it? I only ever wanted a happy life for you, and I couldn't be any happier than I am right now. So why continue going forward? Can't we just leave and spend our life together in peace?"

Smiling profoundly Bai Long said, "If we don't move forward, we're just moving backwards."