Flying mountain

By the time Bai Long's orgy with all the women came to an end, all of the Futanaris that had left the ice mountain to have some fun had come back and gathered on it while feeling curious as to how they were all going to go to the Mainland.

Trying to fly there would be something impossible for even Qi Monarchs because they wouldn't even be able to reach the nearest islands before they ran out of Qi and ended up falling in the water which separated the landmasses. 

This was also something that Bai Long was curious about. 

Since she hadn't even entered the Sage Realm, how did Qingling manage to travel so far from the Mainland to the Xiao Dao Continent? 

Even if you could take in the possibility of her stopping at every single one of the islands in the way between, there was no guarantee that there would be an island for her to stop and rest at before she ran out of Qi. 

So, how did Qingling come here?