The new Cui Clan

By not finishing everything he needed to do in one day as everyone else did, Bai Long other than feasting on the goring amount of fear by the days passed also killed more individuals by the passing days.

Having just killed four men yesterday, killing four hundred the next day caused every man inside the Cui Clan to shake from fear at the possibility of them being the next one.

Unfortunately, even though they all knew that their death was imminent, none of them dared to step forward and rebel against this reign of terror.

After all, one more day survived was still one more day alive, right?

Not to mention, all of them still had hope in some sort of miracle occurring and saving then from this pair of monsters.

Yes. Other than Bai Long who was doing everything, the Cui Clan members considered Feng Wen who wasn't allowing them to escape as the more evil one out of the two.