Sacrificing a thousand for his own benefit

By now, Bai Long who had already scaled three fourth of the mountain from the bottom up had not just obtained all the herbs he needed but even more.

Still, Bai Long who had made up his mind that this one trip would be his only trip for the day wasn't willing to leave so quickly.

Not after he saw that at least.

A Yin Lotus.

Floating at the centre of the small pond, the lotus which was pitch black in colour all over looked like a forbidden flower which would curse anyone that plucked it.

But, that mysterious and soul-stirring aura the black flower had around it made everyone want to pluck it even if that was the last thing they would do.

For Bai Long, it wasn't the mysterious and intoxicating feeling which was making him want to try and possess it at all cost, rather it was the fact that the Yin Lotus was one of the items which could be used to make the flood dragon bone wine he makes taste even better.