Preparations before the competition begins

Once he understood everything he needed to about the competition, Bai Long asked Lifen, "How much time is there before the competition starts?"

"Huh? Time? Since all of the contestants have just exited the Treasure Lands, there is at least an entire week before we start. Why? Is there something you need to do?"

Nodding his head, Bai Long asked Lifen to take care of all the procedures for him to join the competition after assuring her that he'd be back before the week was over.

Waiting until he was sure that Lifen had left, Bai Long flew quite a bit far away after which he was finally willing to let the eager Zheng Xue come outside.

Luckily, the way she came out wasn't directly in her physical form but rather first in smoke which then formed her physical body.

Due to this Bai Long didn't need to remove his robe due to being afraid of his clothes getting ripped every time he brought the woman outside the tattoo.

"Hhmmmmmmmm.... Ahhhhhhhh..... "