Iliad meets Harry

*** Present

Iliad rushed to the 7th floor with his wife to stop the rescue party.

He met Dumbledore and Arcturus just as they were leaving.

Arcturus raised an eyebrow, "You escaped Voldemort?"

"Just about." Iliad said, gesturing to his battered state.

"Still better than I had gotten away with in our last fight." Arcturus spoke with respect in his voice.

"He was clearly playing with me; his power has easily doubled with his call on the Darkness." Iliad said, despairingly, with the level of power he has…we don't stand a chance."

Dumbledore frowned slightly, "It will be a hard journey ahead but we will succeed." He said with determination.

Despite himself, Iliad felt a little bit of his usual confidence return at the words of the old man.

"Besides, we have a few things up our sleeves as well." Arcturus smirked.

Iliad smiled shakily, "As expected of the Lord Black."

"There is also a positive to be drawn from this." Dumbledore said.

Iliad raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

Prior to this, the return of Voldemort was entirely down to conjecture but by attacking you, Voldemort has overextended and revealed his existence and the extent of his recovery to us."

Iliad frowned, "But I thought that you had definitive evidence of his existence from Potter."

"Harry left before the ritual was completed." Albus corrected, "but at the time of his leaving, all the tools required to resurrect Voldemort were present, therefore we thought it best to work under the assumption that Voldemort had returned."

Arcturus inclined his head, "Voldemort has another secret up his sleeve too, and it's time we told you, despite Albus' misgivings, he has created horcruxes."

Iliad paled, "No. No, no no."

"It's true."

"HOURCRUXES! As in multiple!?"

"7 to be exact." Dumbledore said grimly.

Iliad rubbed his eyes, "Do we know what they are or where they are?" he asked slowly.

"Well, we've made a good start already, Harry destroyed the first horcrux in his second year here at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said, "And we already have ideas of where the 2nd one could be." He continued reassuringly.

*** Later

Before dinner that night, Dumbledore announced the return of Voldemort to the rest of the school, feeling it best to tell the rest of the school before it came in the news the next day and chaos broke out.

He peered at the panicking students before taking a deep breath, putting a hand on his wand to channel magic and yelling out, "SILENCE!" immediately drawing the attention of all of the panicking students who stilled to look at the Headmaster as magic thickened around him till it was almost palpable.

Dumbledore's aura was one of hope and warmth that brought confidence to the students.

"In the times of peril that are no doubt to come," he began, his piercing blue eyes seeming to cut to the soul of every student in the hall at the same time, "if we stand together in unity, we will be able to weather the storm." He continued before taking a pause to regard his stunned audience.

"And you will all find that help is always given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." He finished before stepping back and waving his arms extravagantly, summoning food to the tables.

*** The Next Morning, Great Hall, Hogwarts

Harry opened the paper to find not only what he already knew of the return of Voldemort, featuring excerpts from his memories in the form of Wizarding pictures that he assumed were extracted by Voldemort, but also further proof in the form of a testimony by the Greengrass Lord, Iliad, who had been attacked by Voldemort further confirming the return of the Dark Lord.

Harry rushed to Dumbledore, dragging a confused Hermione, who had just walked into the hall for breakfast, along with him.

"Good Morning Harry." The Headmaster greeted genially.

"Professor! Have you seen what happened to Iliad Greengrass!" Harry started.

Dumbledore opened his mouth to reply, but Harry steamrolled on, in a manner reminiscent to Hermione, "Voldemort attacked him and he could do it again, he's allied with us, right? You have to protect him!"

"Harry!" Dumbledore cut into Harry's rambling, "Iliad is here at Hogwarts, he arrived here immediately, this is where he escaped to."

"Oh." Harry said, "He's Daphne's dad right, I'd bet she'd like to meet him."

Dumbledore gave a mischievous smile, "Who says she hasn't already?"

Harry's mouth opened, "You mean-"

"Yes Harry, Iliad insisted he see Daphne last night, I organized a room for her in the guest suite that Iliad is currently occupying."

Harry hmmed, "I'd like to meet him." He stated, giving Dumbledore a meaningful look.

"After breakfast, Harry." Dumbledore said good-naturedly, before turning to talk to McGonagall, who had been conspicuously listening in on Dumbledore's conversation with Harry, effectively dismissing Harry and Hermione.

*** After Breakfast, Iliad's Suite, Hogwarts

Harry beelined to Dumbledore, getting him to take Hermione and himself to Iliad's suite immediately as breakfast ended.

Daphne had not showed up for breakfast, Harry assumed she had breakfast along with her father in his suite.

One of Daphne's friends, a Tracey Davis, asked them where she was in the middle of the meal, further solidifying his belief that she was with her father, as Tracy generally seemed to know exactly where Daphne was at all times.

Presently, Dumbledore led Harry and Hermione to Iliad's suite, which was guarded by a portrait of an old lady, who shared a few features with Daphne, something which Harry didn't miss.

In response to Harry's unasked question, Dumbledore responded, "I thought it would be fitting for Iliad to stay in a suite protected by his own great-grandmother."

Harry noted the fact mentally before walking into the suite, after Dumbledore gave the woman the password.

Iliad Greengrass looked up from the newspaper he had been reading, "Harry Potter." He said as a greeting, "It is good to finally meet you," at that, Iliad raised a hand, which Harry grasped, shaking the hand of the Greengrass Lord.

"Same here, Lord Greengrass." Harry said respectfully.

*** End of Chapter