Chapter 4 - Moving forward

Just two months had passed since me and my mom signed the deal, and now the release date of my first book was about to happen.

At the end I decided that 'The princess collection volumen one' will be formed by: 'Sleeping beauty', 'Cinderella', 'Aladdin', 'The princess and the frog' and 'Beauty and the beast'.

What leaves: 'Mulan', 'The little mermaid', 'Moana', 'Rapunzel' and 'Frozen' for the second volume. Which release date will depend on how well does the first one.

Those were all the 'Disney' princesses I could somehow remember, which made easier the decision to not doing more in the future. For the other two books, I planned to use 'DreamWorks' or 'Illumination' movies as a reference. What was clear, is that those books will not be compilations, I needed to start practicing writing longer books. And that's what I am doing lately, besides working on my comic with Hanna of course.

"Girls I have a surprise for you" I said to the girls when we were on recess.

"Thank you Sam!" the twins said when I gave them copies of my book. Each one gave me a tight hug and a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you!" Claire smiled cutely at me, and gave me a hug. Her hazel eyes are captivating, which always made me look at her for a slightly longer period of time.

For someone as antisocial as me, I should count myself lucky to have three friends already. Although I couldn't really take any merit in my friendship with Claire, the twins were just too nice with everyone, so this kind of conclusion was an understanding.

"The book will be on sale in about a week, so you better like it because I can't change anything now" I joked.

"That's impossible" Emma replied quickly with a face that showed her conviction.

"Ummmm. It'll depend if the stories are as good as the ones we have read before" Ellie smiled slyly at me. I think that her sense of humor has evolved thanks to me. I don't know if that's a good thing though.

"That's why Emma is my favorite twin" I winked at Ellie, who pouted at me while I gave the clueless Emma a hug.

"Me too" Said Claire, who played along and joined us. Ellie's face was hilarious, she looked at Claire as if she had committed the ultimate betrayal.

"... Ok, I surrender. I will love it" Ellie finally said, and hugged us all while we all laughed.

"Sammy, stop flirting with your girlfriends" It was my sister voice who interrupted us. The twins and Claire flinched at my sister words, and a blush appeared on their faces while they moved back a couple of steps.

"Hehe, you are cute" My sister simply said to them before giving me a hug of her own.

"Sis, how are you? Did something happen?" I asked in curiosity. I wanted to know why was she here, considering that we don't share the recess periods with the kids on her grade.

"I'm fine... Sam, I came here to give you some good news, and also to ask for permission" She started with a tone showing a mix of emotions.

It seemed that she was happy and guilty at the same time. I just looked at her eyes prompting her to continue, and that she did "... Do you remember my best friend?" She asked.

I do. It's really hard to forget the only ginger on school, and one that adorable too. Besides, Hannah has already introduced us before.

"Kate. Of course I remember her. You have even told me that today you'll be going to her house to a pijama party"

"That's true... Well the thing is, her uncle works at this network that focus on making cartoons. And thanks to Kate, he got to know about our comic" She smiled widely.

"'Power puff girls' will be on tv!" The twins and Claire said excitedly. They were even happier than me.

That was great news. I would have preferred to somehow make the cartoon myself, so I could've own it. But I know that it was impossible for now.

"Yep. And he's currently at Kate's house, so I wanted to talk to him about it today... Unless you want to be there too?"

So she's worried about that. It was cute from her, but like the minor she is my sister can't sign any deal, so there is no danger with her being alone.

"Oh, don't worry big sis. I know that you'll be fine on your own. I trust you" I encouraged her.

"Sammy!" She simply said, before lifting me up and spinning around a couple of times.

"Yeah Hannah, you'll do great" My friends said encouragingly.

"Thanks girls" My sister said happily, "You are all so great. I would be happy with any of you being Sam' s girlfriend" she added playfully after a while.

At that my friends just flushed and lowered their heads shyly. Which I just couldn't ignore.

"But Hannah, the three of them are my girlfriends already" I said with innocence.

It seems that I went too far, because the three of them just ran away before I could continue with my act.

"You're cruel little brother" Hannah said with a smirk on her face when we realized that they wouldn't come back.

"Hehe, I learned from the best" I replied with a little smile.

Then we discussed about her 'meeting'. Basically I just told her to not worry that much for the money, and to just offer the TV rights for a limited amount of time. Maybe that would make Kate's uncle reconsider his idea to make the show to begin with, but for starters it was a good baseline.

When the recess was over I said my goodbyes to Hannah, whom I'll not see until tomorrow. Then I reunited with my friends who acted like nothing happened, and because I didn't want to make things awkward I didn't say anything.

In class, like I've doing lately, I focused in creating my 'own' comic universe. I wanted to have a continuous story line, with a lot of characters. And the timeline was what's making me work so hard on it.

Until now, the characters I had that I wanted to do, and that were coherent with the world I planned, were: 'Batman', 'Spiderman', 'Powergirl', 'Hulk', 'Static', 'Black panther', 'Scarlett witch', 'Wonder woman', 'Aquaman', 'Guardians of the galaxy', 'Doctor strange', and mutants (in a certain degree).

Dedicating myself to organize the comic world, my day passed quickly with no major incident. There was a math test, but it's not even worth mentioning. And like it was already planned, my father picked me up at the school gates.

"How was your day?" I asked my father. I knew that he has been working on a game for this 'new' hand-held console, for about four months now.

"Not that well to be honest. But that's to be expected considering that this is the first time we are doing a game for this new console" He said with his usual energetic nature.

"Well, if you have any problem with the game, just remember that my offer is still in place" I joked.

I wanted to make a certain game, especially for this time an age. But I wouldn't just hande it like that, I wanted to own it myself.

"About that. In the past I may have talked about your proposal to my boss, and now with how I been talking about you, and the news of your book being a week away only... Let's say that it wouldn't be an impossibility in a couple of years" He said casually.

"Are you saying that I'll be able to make my own game under the company you work for, and still conserve the rights to it?" I asked. I wanted to be excited, but it was just too good to be true.

"Like I've said to you before. If you are willing to share the ownership of any game you do, I would be able to help you with getting published... But yes. The times are changing, and it wouldn't be impossible for it to be real. Especially if the games we'll develope are not well received.

Although there's things you need to learn first. I have teached you the basics, but there's much more to learn before you can even think on making your own game" He finished jokingly. He's aware of how good I really am, it wasn't just arrogance.

In my past life I made a living making games, so letting my family know of my 'talent' in that regard, was one of my first priorities when I realized that this was not the world I once knew. Which turned out to be an easy job with my dad's profession.

"Of course dad. You can teach me whenever you want" I simply said with a confident smile. I didn't even refer to the ownership topic, there was no way I would change my mind about it.