Chapter 6 - Others part 1

I'm finally free. My little sister really enjoys when I read to her, and with the second volume of the princesses books our mother brought recently, she became once again obsessed with those 'new' stories.

It has been a really bad year. I went from believing I had a lot of time to introduce all kinds of stories to the world, to realize that I wasn't the only reincarnated person in the world. And the others were not playing around like I've done until now.

One guy has already written three books, with a fourth coming out soon. Another one has somehow made a cartoon for tv. And there were at least three others making their 'own' comic books, if the information my father has is correct.

Fortunately no one has touched any of the titles I love. But that didn't mean that no one was planning on it, or even worse, already doing it. So now I could only work hard and pray for the best possible outcome.

"Rachel! It's time to go, are you ready?" My father called me.

We were going to the comic publisher where my father has some friends. I planned to familiarize myself in the comic business to eventually make one of my own. After all, I have a talent for drawing and I know many interesting stories.

"Yes daddy" I said with a sweet smile. I couldn't have him regret his decision after all the time I had spent convincing him to bring me there.

"Are you really planning on making your own comic?" My father asked once we were on the road.

"Yes! After you told me about the other kids my age doing so much, it inspired me" I replied with extra enthusiasm.

My father sighed at my answer, "I know that you're a really talented girl with a precious gift, but you don't need to try this hard. You're young, and it worries me all the effort you been putting these last days" He said with a soft tone.

It's true that I have been working hard lately. And I'm grateful for the care that my father always gives me. But it's nothing serious, he's just perplexed with the sudden change in my attitude. I went from a relaxed and playful girl, to a hard working one who hardly plays anymore.

"I know daddy. I just want to try it out and see what happens with my own eyes" I finally said. There was no way I could explain to him the importance of not wasting time.

The rest of our time in the car was filled with the typical questions about school and the friends I've made. My suffering only stopped until we arrived to our destination, where I finally could get out to get some needed space.

I didn't had any expectations for the place, but still I have to admit that I was somehow disappointed. It was just a building, with no special details worth mentioning, besides the big sign at the entrance.

Fortunately the interior had more life to it. There were some people walking from one side to the other, talking and discussing loudly about many things.

Among the group of people there was one of my dad's friends, an amicable looking middle age guy, who was a little on the fat side. When he saw us, he approached with a happy expression on his face.

"Robert! Nice to see you" He said before giving my father a short hug.

"I see that you haven't left the hamburgers, huh?" My father joked.

"Hahaha, I tried it for a couple of days... Never again!" He replied. And then they proceeded to joke around for a extremely long time. In my unbiased opinion.

"Glenn, this is my daughter. Rachel" My father suddenly said. I was starting to think that he forgot to introduce me in the first place.

"Hello Mr. Glenn, I'm Rachel. It's nice to meet you" I saluted him politely.

"Nice to meet you too!" He said to me with a smile, "Are you sure that she's your daughter? She's cute and well mannered after all" He joked again. But I sure wasn't going to let them go at it again.

"Mr. Glenn, what is everyone doing? They seem to be discussing something important" I asked while pointing the group of people in front.

"Oh! They are discussing about work, we have some deadlines to accomplish after all... Although the topic now is about Michael. A kid who's making this really cool comic book named 'The walking dead' " He explained.

"Is Michael here?" I asked quickly. I really wanted to meet another person in my situation. Maybe the possibility of working together wasn't impossible after all.

"Yes, do you want to meet him?" He asked with interest.

I just nodded in confirmation, and after some more small talk between the 'adults', we went towards one of the rooms in the building.

Inside, there was a young kid my age discussing with two adults about something related to the violence of the comic, according to what I could hear.

The kid, that should be Michael, had a beautiful shiny blonde hair, although a little too long for my liking. He had pale skin, a small pointy nose, and deep blue eyes. He's definitely cute.

"Ok, let me ask the boss" One of the adults said, and then walked away.

Taking advantage of the situation, I approached quickly with a clear intention on mind. "Hey there. I'm Rachel" I introduced myself to the pair in front of me. Although my eyes never left Michael.

"Hello Rachel. I'm Thomas and this is my son Michael" He said once he noticed his son's lack of interest.

"Tom! How is it all going?" Glenn asked once he and my dad got closer.

Like I supposed, there was a problem about how violent the comic was turning out. What did surprise me, was that no one mentioned the fact that a little kid imagined that violence in the first place.

The adults were discussing about it, so I finally made my move, "Hey, are you planning in doing the whole farm storyline? I ask because I wasn't really a fan of that part in the TV show" I said with a mischievous smile.

I totally caught him off guard. His expression transformed quickly from irritating and expressionless, to one full of surprise and I even dare to say relief too.

"Come with me" He simply said after a while, and walked towards one corner of the room. I signaled my father where I was going and then followed him.

"So another one has appeared" He said playfully when we reached a 'safe' spot.

"Why are you trying to act like I didn't surprise you? Your face before was pure gold" I joked.

"Ha ha, a funny one I see" He said, adopting a more serious expression. "Let's drop the act. Why are you here?"

"Do I need a reason to present myself to you?" I asked back. I wanted us to have talked casually for a longer period of time before we started with business. But he obviously had other plans.

He just sighed with a tired expression at my words, "Well, let me present the situation from my perspective first, so we'll both are in the same place" He said with a low tone that totally didn't match his boyish looks.

"I don't know how many reincarnated people there are. And I suspect, given the people I'm aware of, that we all were born around the same year... What I do know, is that we have a big opportunity to succeed thanks to our bast knowledge of future inventions. But like the kids we are, we are limited in our actions... So, the entertainment industry turned out to be the best alternative for us to tackle. Comics, books, tv shows, music. There's a lot of possibilities... "

"I'm aware of that. In fact I'm planning to make a certain story on my own. Which, as you could have guessed, is the principal reason of my presence here" I said with a small smile.

"That's cute" He smirked, but it didn't last long before his serious expression returned "...In my case, once I realized the situation I was in, all I could think of was to make this one property I loved and make it my own. Give it my own spin if you may...But I was late"

That sucks, I really hope that doesn't happen to me. And considering that 'Harry Potter' is very popular, it could happen at any time.

"What was the property you wanted to make?" I asked. I didn't want to pry, but my curiosity was bigger.

"Star wars" He admitted, "A girl named Carla presented the idea earlier to other comic publisher"

I completely forgot about that one. It will be hard to make it popular at this time though. And introducing it with a comic instead of a movie, will make it even more difficult.

"Do you know of others like us?... Besides Carla I mean" I was curious, and he seemed to know more than me about the others.

"So you really want to join the fun, huh?" Michael said, while he genuinely smiled for the first time. "Well you're in luck, thanks to my father I was able to get to know about most of the competition...

There's this unknown girl, who I believe will participate in a kid show. But she's going with the music route, so I'm not that interested about her.

Miguel, who I discovered recently, is writting 'The chronicles of Narnia'. Although I been told that it will take him some time to finish.

And the worst of all, even more so than Carla, is this guy who doesn't know how to take it easy. Samuel..."