Dinner With The Shens

Andrea woke up early in the morning and decided to make a proposal for Global China. She was already aware of their current investments and the flaws of each. Most companies often request for collaboration on a new project but considering that their company had several unfinished ones, she wanted to impress them by offering solutions to expedite the completion of each of their major projects.

As she was polishing the document, Lu Fang turned to her side and put an arm around her waist. She looked down at the man who was still maximizing the remaining 10 minutes of his time to close his eyes. "Babe, wake up. It's already 6 AM. We need to get breakfast."

Andrea was about to get ready herself when she realized they could pretty much ask the new assistant to do anything. "No wait, since Mian is so determined to be your assistant, let's have her buy us breakfast. Lots of them."

"Hmmm… good idea. Then we can still sleep for another hour."