Marriage Alliance

While waiting for the other guests to arrive, wines and cocktails were served. Businessmen from other companies used this time to engage with other potential partners. Unlike the previous birthdays, surprisingly, President Xia and his wife arrived earlier without the grand entrance.

Before taking over the company, the current CEO of the Royal Dragon was the former mayor of Guangzhou. His position in the city further led to the growth of their empire. His wife, on the other hand, was a mystery. Rumor has it, that Madame Xia is the brilliant mind behind her husband's success.

The Xia couple were not very sociable. In fact, they rarely attend celebrations and gatherings unless it was their own. It wasn't because they think too highly of themselves but they were just too occupied with running the business. Furthermore, many times have they been betrayed by so-called partners who try to get to their good side only to schemed against them.