Brie and Chevre

Andrea woke up in a hospital bed and Lu Fang was sleeping right next to her. He was already changed in casual clothes while she was in a hospital gown. The last thing she remembered was feeling dizzy at the expressway. 

She looked around and saw Hanxi sleeping on the couch.

She turned to the man and tried to wake him. "Babe."


Lu Fang stretched his arm to pull his wife closer and said, "Shhh… Get some sleep." He kissed her forehead as he tucked her into his chest.

"But… I'm hungry. What time is it?"

It hadn't been an hour since he got some rest. He was mentally and physically drained that he did not even bother to eat nor recognize the time. He looked at his watch and saw It was already thirty minutes past eight. 

"I'm sorry, babe. I was so tired... Let me grab some food."

Christina had dropped by earlier to bring food and a change of clothes for both of them.