Effects of Stress

"There is bad news?" Asked Andrea. 

"Yes, I'm afraid so. Your uterus had somehow formed a small hemorrhage. You may experience mild bleeding in the coming days."

The men's faces were puzzled, while the mothers, Li Wen and Christina gave insights. 

"I had that with Mei-Mei, though it got worse and I had to be on complete bed rest. However, I heard from other mothers, they got through a normal pregnancy and the bleeding disappeared on its own after a few days."

"What caused this, Doctor Qi?"

The doctor pursed her lips before answering, "there are many causes. It could be the implantation or, trauma." She turned to Andrea and asked, "How have you been, Andrea? Have you been straining your body?"

The Lu Family, especially Lu Fang did not want to be disturbed by the media and requested from the General and the Chief of Police not to associate the recent shoot-out to the family.