
The Davies' mansion has not been a pleasant dwelling over the preceding month that Gabriel rarely came home. Often times, he would stay in a hotel or at the Davies' secret facility.

His parents have been arguing about his newly found aunt, Christina Davies Lu. Nancy did not want to share the wealth with Christina and she refused to acknowledge her even if it was not her decision to make. 

While attending a meeting at the office, he saw his father's phone ringing. Alfred was busy facilitating the meeting, and he left his mobile with his son. 

Gabriel answered as it was an important call. "Hello Andy, how are the babies coming along?"

Everyone in the conference room was in silence. Never had they seen their Young Master Davies interrupt a meeting. Some made whispers having known Andrea in the past. 

"He is talking to his ex-fiance, Andrea."

"They probably got back together."

"He looks so happy."