Ready for You

"You there! Carry this lady to the hospital!" Lu Fang pointed out to an overweight middle-aged man who occupied the table next to them. 

Patricia, "!!!"


Seeing the beauty in the distress, the other man willingly offered aid and approached their table. "Come here young lady, let me help you to the hospital."

Lu Fang turned to Harold and said, "They would best take you to the hospital. This is my first to visit Korea so I don't know the city myself. Plus, my wife doesn't like the smell of hospitals. I hope you understand. She is pregnant and must not get involved in any of these stressful situations."

He gave Harold a pat on the back before thanking the other man, now also assisted by the restaurant staff, ready to bring Patricia to the medical facility. 

Mr. Smith was speechless but recognized his reasoning. If he truly was unfamiliar with the city, it would be deemed useless for him to take his daughter.