He Hates Women

The couple excused themselves from Yeong's presence to fetch Xia Yanmei at the airport. They have just about a week to get her settled before they head back to China. Nothing was certain at that point, but Yanmei may very well be assigned in Korea indefinitely. 

Two days ago, when Andrea told Yanmei about the decision to have her work in Korea, she was ecstatic. The farther she was from her father, the better. This was what she revealed. 

Only then did Andrea understood how distant Yanmei was with her father. She learned that she hated her father since their parent's divorce and that she swore men, in general, were dishonest. 

"However, Andy. I have seen cousin Ting's loyalty to Li Wen and Lu Fang's to you, so I have lighted up a little towards men. Every day at the office, I already greeted Gao Rou and Go Bolin a good, good morning."

Andrea fell confused and asked, "You mean you didn't greet them in the past?"