Fantasy With Me

The wedding was set at the garden area of Four Seasons Hotel and while waiting for the bride to arrive, Andrea went to greet the Lei family, bringing along Lu Fang. She introduced her husband to Lei Dong's mother, and both applauded the groom who was standing two meters away. 

"Finally, you are tying the knot!" Exclaimed Andrea.

Lu Fang shortly followed and extended his hands saying, "Congratulations, General."

"Thank you," replied Lei Dong. He was looking extremely handsome in his suit while keeping his usual bearded face.

Turning to her husband she asked him to give them some privacy, "Babe, I just need to speak with Dong for a bit."

"Hmmmm," the man said, his eyes narrowed at her.

"What? Can't I?"

"Don't take too long."

Seeing that her man had fairly walked away, Andrea directed her attention to the groom. "Dong, I hope that you are happy and that you will cherish Chunhua."