Single, Maried, Single?

Lu Fang was out to meet Pie Wang and his son, Pie Liqin. Since they were already in the city, he took the opportunity to visit their business partner's main headquarters. 

While the couple was dealing with the Smiths a few months back, Andrea had pointed out the problem with most of the projects. They had an executive who embezzled funds affecting the company's capacity to carry out its objectives effectively. Shortly after the individual's dismissal, Pie Wang's health also improved. They could only suspect the same person had a hand in it. 

"Lu Fang, it's nice to see you again," said Pie Wang. "Where is Andy?"

"She is taking care of the babies. I'm afraid she is not coming. We are heading back to Beijing in the afternoon, so there is a lot to prepare."

They were inside a small meeting room in Global China's building when they made introductions. 

"This is my son, Pie Liqin. He is Xian's father."