
Lu Fang carried Andrea in front of the beach where their tented cabana was set-up. He gently placed her on the huge sun lounge. 

The Cabana was tied with white curtains on each side and it faced the ocean perfectly without any obstructive view.

Andrea gulped at the thought they would be making love in front of the open sea when the sun hasn't set yet. Nonetheless, it would not be their first to do so. 

She recalled having made love with him on their first trip to the Maldives in a beach cabana outside their ocean house and she had teased him in their water villa sun lounge. What made it different this time was the fact that there were no barriers in between. They were going to do it on an open beach. 

Lu Fang studied his wife while lying down. She was biting her lip and looking straight at him. Her breast remained firm and her pink nipples were erected. Her waist was flat like she never gave birth at all.