Now or Never

Hanxi woke up to the sight of Isabella's radiant face, merely a meter away. He thought he was dreaming. It surprised him completely how relaxed she was sleeping in his room. 

He knew too well how she feared to be in the same space with another man, but then again, he was not a stranger to her. Surely after a year of friendship, he must be someone she had gotten used to and be comfortable with. 

Turning around, he grabbed his phone from the bedside table and quietly took a picture of her sleeping face. He then scanned his other photos and recognized it was better than the last one he took when they were in Italy. 


Matteo had woken and began to play on his face, pinching his nose then putting a finger on his lips. "Shhh, uncle mommy is very tired. Don't wake her up."

Grinning at him, Hanxi softly replied, "Okay. Do you want to meet the twins?"