I'm Sorry. I'm so Troublesome

"Wen? What have you got?" Andrea answered Lu Fang's phone. Li Wen returned the call as soon as they arrived at the mansion. 

"Andy, there isn't any bounty on your head. For them to call you out like that, it is possible they are still trying to figure out whether you are the real Amaryllis Red," said Li Wen on the phone. "There was no research attempt to search Amaryllis' name either in search engines, however, there were many recent undertakes to find information about you and Lu Fang."

"For now, tighten your security and don't go outside the house. I will ask Lei Dong to send men for your protection."

"I got it, sis. Thank you." Andrea and Lu Fang were walking inside the living room when she ended the call. 

Handing the man's phone back to him, she said, "Let's practice. How about it, babe?"

"Absolutely, but let's say hi to the children first," responded Lu Fang.