Pregnancy Test

While at Lu-Wei Enterprises, Bolin brought a bag to the CEO's office. It was a box of pregnancy test. He had earlier dropped by the pharmacy at Lu Fang's request.

"Here you go, Master," said Bolin as he placed it on the man's desk. 

Andrea hurriedly went to grab the bag and excused herself, giving the two men a wink as she went inside the private room, "I'll just go take the test. I am excited!"

Lu Fang wanted to have the pregnancy test in the hospital, but Andrea figured the ones in the pharmacy works equally well. 

In the comfort room, Andrea was nervous about the result that she immediately looked at it, not waiting for it to dry out. She was sure she saw two red lines, but because she was so excited to give the news to her husband, she quickly placed it back in the box and held it in her hand.