Angela's Birthday

It was finally time for Angela's birthday party and everyone came dressed in Royalty. 

Li Wen and Xia Ting were dressed as King Agnarr and Queen Iduna while little Mei-Mei was princess Elsa. Xia Jianyu put on a classic prince attire. 

General Lie and Rou Chunhua plus their baby boy, were in sleeping beauty characters. 

Deana was dressed in a snow-white costume while Gao Rou was her prince. Gao Chaoxiang was also dressed in a king's attire, carefully prepared by Gao Rou. 

Christina, Lu Wei, Alfred, and Lu Jie were obvious queens and kings but not specific to any movie. Still, all mighty and high, royalty looking grandparents. 

Walking around to see if all the guests have arrived, Arti flaunted her lean belly in a Jasmin attire while her tiger was Aladin. 

Gabriel decided to accompany Lanying as she was still grieving herself in their hotel room. Since he had already greeted Angela and gave his gift, he excused himself from the celebration.