I Did Alfred a Favor

Alfred first settled Samantha in the penthouse, showed her room, and taught her where everything was found before learning more about the death of her parents.

From all the details she gave him, he said, "After your last class on Monday, I can meet you at the police station. We can pick-up from the last investigation."

They were both at the dining table while having refreshments when they touched on the topic. 

"Thank you," said Samantha while nodding. 

Alfred then took out some cash and handed it to her. He said, "that's an advance from your salary this month, just to get you by until your next payout."

Samantha bit her lip, looking at roughly a thousand dollars of money. She had just paid off her delayed rent since she was moving out of our old and run-down apartment. She literally only had a few hundred dollars left. 

She smiled, shyly accepted the money and thanked him again.