The Best Children

With eyes twinkling, Alexis, Brie, and Angela were all over the three new Lu babies of Alfred and Samantha.

Andrea and Lu Fang's anniversary was around the corner and they figured it was a good time to have another reunion, considering that Alfred and Samantha had just gone through such an ordeal. 

"Harper looks so much like Sam!" Exclaimed Alexis. "Equally pretty with a small face."

"Uhuh, the boys are obviously identical," said Angela. 

"Mason is a little smaller. Why?" Brie asked while carrying the little boy in her arms. 

"He was the donor twin, giving Noah his nutrients during the second trimester," explained Samantha. 

They were all at the patio, giving the new babies including Xuilan's babies good fresh air in the morning. 

"The house is full of babies now," remarked Alexis while caressing her belly.