Into Tobishima

By early morning, the master and his two retainers were mounted, travelling toward Tobishima. They were not kitted out in full armour, but it was not as though they were completely defenceless either. Each of them had a sword at his hip, and with them they had brought the men who would form the foundation of Gengyo's Special Forces unit.

Aside from the men who had fought with him in battle, there were three extra men in the unit. Morohira was one. As soon as he had heard of the formation of the Special Forces unit, he wanted to be a part of it. The man loved to fight – and who would not want to fight alongside their own family? He figured that since his son was in charge, he would be able to do pretty much as he pleased.

But that had proved not to be the case, and now he walked alongside Masaatsu, grumbling as he carried a spade and yari just like the rest of them.