The Niwa Army


Okabe shouted angrily, as he galloped towards the army that was still loosing volley after volley of arrow fire, apparently oblivious to their victory.

They turned to him for an explanation, and seeing the mystified looks on the commanders faces he could do nought but curse bitterly under his breath.

'Bloody incompetent swines.'

He massaged his temples with his forefinger and thumb, attempting to keep his cool, and process exactly what had happened. He did not care for the hundreds of looks that were sent his way. They could wait. No - they must wait.


Across the now silent battlefield, the sound of something heavy falling rang out. He perked his head up, alert.


Another sound rang out, almost identical to the first. With that second sound he was able to locate the direction from which it came, and he turned his calculating gaze towards it.