
Oda rode through the masses of men, trampling them to the ground, and following their route closer and closer to the Imagawa camp.

They heard Oda coming from a long way off, forecast by the screams of the fallen and the fleeing. No one seemed to wish to move to their aid, as their formations were secure, and they were as solid as a brick wall. To move would be to render themselves vulnerable.


A man screamed out, his voice rich with pure fear.

As he caught sight of the Imagawa camp ahead, Gengyo was finally able to give the order to stand firm.

They were merely 130 men, but with their spears, they would be able to break Nobunaga's charge, and stop him from killing quite as many men.


He called out, the men responded quickly, forming up, holding their spears firmly. They were glad of the order, as the screams of the slain had been haunting, and they had felt great guilt in running away.