A Farm

Here they were, speaking so grandly about seeking revenge against the Daimyo of their province, yet they were so far from achieving that, it was almost laughable. Currently, it would not be strange should one of them to keel over and die – such was the shape they were in.

Their first priority was of course food, to give them the energy to recover, but they also needed supplies to close their wounds. Alcohol would do.

It was as he thought of all that they needed that he started to miss the great amount of coin they had back in their tents. But now that was long gone, and they had to make do with what was around them.

"There's a stream south from here, Miura. I spied a farmhouse near it too."

Jikouji seemed to be able to tell what Gengyo was thinking and offered a solution to their problems.

"Mmm, good. We'll see what we can acquire from there."

"About time."