A Surprise

"Hello, Rin."

She whirled around at the sound of her brother's voice - one that she had not heard in a while.


She said with a small smile, wearing her guards uniform.

"I'm sorry it took so long for me to come and see you."

"No… it's okay. I know how busy you are lately."

Came her sad response.

"Do you mind if I come in to see mother too?"

"Mhmm, I think she'd like that."

They were living in the same house as before – the one Niwa had given them all that time ago.

He had not heard much about home. Not even from his father. It seemed to be a topic Morohira wished to steer clear from. And as he walked in and felt the atmosphere, he understood why. It felt like a funeral home.

"Who's that Rin?"

Came a weak voice from the next room. She must have heard their footsteps.

Instead of replying, she simply smiled at Gengyo, and motioned for him to follow her.