The Raid

Out they sailed, upon the open water. The time they made was good – if anything, it was too quick. It was likely that they would arrive long before the iron trading vessel ever neared Toyokawa, but that did not matter. Isabella had told them the ship's origin: Suruga. They could  continue along the shoreline and intercept it along the way.

The sun was bright, and the weather was clear. It was almost unfitting for the act that they were about to carry out – for demons were most certainly creatures of the night. They ran errands atop the deck, making sure everything was secure and in place, following Morohira's orders to the letter.

Their weapons were sharpened and ready. The hooks were firmly attached to coils of rope. They would have Rokkaku and Sasaki throw them onto the iron trading vessel as they passed it, allowing them to secure a footing, and pull themselves closer, before they jumped decks and began their ruthless slaughter.