
When they arrived at the cove towing a cart each, there were a group of familiar faces there to welcome them. It was late morning, and it seemed that they had already transported the sacks of ore to the top of the cliff.

Morohira's grin became obvious as they drew closer – he was clearly rather proud of himself.

"Heheh! Look at all this lad, we'll be rich!"

He announced. It was not an exaggeration. The amount of ore that lay there was more than enough to get one rich. Yet they sought to be something beyond being rich, they sought to be powerful, so they would need far more than just this. But he did not let that fact taint his joy.

"Aye, we certainly will."

Gengyo replied, eying up the pile of sacks. Amongst the crowd stood Akiko and Rin, waving to him. But they did not call out yet – it seemed they were waiting for him to conclude business first.