
"You will cut each other's hair, and wash."

Soroko announced, as they entered the building. They passed through the lower floor, and headed through the back rooms, until finally, they arrived inside a steaming bathhouse.

He left them to stare at the grandness of the design, with its archaic stone bricks, and worn down ledges, whilst he stepped into the next room for a few seconds, and retrieved an old razor blade.

Gengyo glanced around astutely. He did not want to allow a single opportunity of escape to pass him by, and as the old monk held out the razor towards him, he narrowed his eyes.

As soon as his fingers made their around the smooth wooden handle, he lashed out, intending to catch Soroko off guard, so they could make their escape.

But the old monk barely even blinked, nor did his bushy eyebrows twitch. He simply altered his body slightly, and allowed the blade to sail harmlessly past.